Range Disappointment

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Wow - what a disappointment.

Went to the range today with my 6mm Creedmoor, Ruger Precision Rifle. The club was holding a 2-hour "practice" session from 10 to noon. I helped set up the fancy acoustic targets. Yes... Learned all about them. Helped put up the wind flag.

Watched the first relay shoot. Saw how the shots post on a tablet, electronically, instead of being marked by hand.... I'd never seen that. Pretty slick.

I went up to the line, set up my gear and my rifle. Got down in prone... And tweaked my damaged neck so badly I had to pack up and leave the range. The pain was intense. Never even shot a single round.

Sigh. I'd been prepping for this range trip for a couple of weeks. I haven't competed in several years and was looking forward to getting back in to prone competition at 600 - 1,000 yards.

So... Couple of options:

1. I'm going to work on my prone position and see if I can come up with some variation that doesn't "scrunch up" my neck so badly. I'd love to compete prone again.

2. There is a heavy concrete bench on the 600 yard line that I am free to use if I so desire. My scores won't count and won't be official, but at least I'd be back shooting with the guys.

I've no problem shooting from sitting or standing, but these matches are prone.

Grumbling a bit about this. I was at one point, very competitive in prone/long-range matches.

Guy is there anyway to restore mobility. Tried a chiropractor or massage therapist? I get it I’m 65 and while I was never a competitive shooter. I played football and even though I was rather large. 6’-51/2” 260 in my younger days man I could run with the track team 800 meter men. Unfortunately I just can not run anymore. To many back and knee problems. But I can do elliptical sand I go get a massage now and then to keep my flexibility. I also work our 3 to 4 days a week. But yeah it sucks.

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Sorry - somehow managed to post this a couple of times.

I had a neck injury, and 2.5 years ago had three vertebrae fused. Solved most of the pain issue, but my ability to move the neck much is diminished.

Frustrating. I'm 62 years old. Still leg-press 600 pounds. Can still ride 60+ miles in few hours on my bicycle.

But I can't seem to shoot from prone... Phooey!

Oh, yeah, age and the associated injuries we seem to accumulate, do take a toll. I'm nursing a very tender neck myself. The neck and shoulder are still "healing" from a minor truck crash when a local doctor slid into my truck over three years ago. It does make shooting somewhat interesting. I do empathize, Guy.
Ya, a couple years ago things got so bad that I needed to have three vertebrae fused. The ol' neck doesn't move very well anymore.

I still have a 600 pound leg-press, and can ride my bike 60 - 70 miles or more, no problem.

But, the neck is a weak point. I may not be able to compete anymore.

How about I’d you use long by pods so that the rifle sits higher you can get up on your elbows more and arch your back instead of putting so much stress on your neck

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Phooey is right! Sorry man....Grrr.... Don't let it get you down. Some way there is a way to keep shooting. Sorry that you aren't getting to do it as you would prefer. Time to get out the 39 and some reactive targets and just shoot. Hang in there...the joy is still out there. CL
Don’t feel bad. Prone is tough for folks without neck issues. Work on your mobility with some good stretching exercises. You’ll be back on the line in no time. Oh yeah, Bayer Back and Body is a gift from Heaven![emoji1]
djauofd":3i3krxth said:
How about I’d you use long by pods so that the rifle sits higher you can get up on your elbows more and arch your back instead of putting so much stress on your neck

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That's something I'm going to work on. My pard caught a photo of me sighting in on the mule deer at about 355 yards in October. I was on a big incline and able to hold my head in a fairly normal position. Way different from flat prone.

I'm going to see what I can do about maybe approaching that sort of position. We will see.

Thanks all, I'm kinda upset about this. Was always an excellent shot from prone, better than most. Now I can't stand to even get in the position. Dang.

Yeah exactly. You might have to rest you chest on some bags. I believe your on to something here. Just like when your working out and you can no longer do it “Modify”

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Would they let you use a plywood topped box built on 2x8's or 2x10's to rest the gun and your chest? Something that allows you to mimic the hilltop position you used out West. Just a thought.
Well, I'll mess around with some variations on prone, and see if I can safely get comfortable from prone again. Thought I'd managed that, dry firing at home, but it seems there's a bit of "uphill" required at the range, from our firing line to the targets. That was apparently just enough to stop me yesterday and send me home whimpering. :wink:

And, I can certainly shoot from the big, solid concrete bench we've got at the 600 yard line. I won't be alone with that. Several guys with physical troubles rely on that bench. The scores won't be official, but at least I'll be shooting.

Not bad... I think I'll do that within a few days. (y) Get out there and try both the 6 Creedmoor and my good ol' 308 at 600 yards. It's been a long time since I've shot past about 450 yards.

Stick with it Marine. Obstacles are what we’re all about. Looking forward to hearing about your range day.
I thought Marine's couldn't shoot on the range without "sand fleas"? Import some of those and it will take your mind off your neck! For me, in Boot /camp it was a cold rain water puddle up to my ears when prone. I'm Army and if "Army" can do it....:)
A fella just doesnt realize how precious his health is till he looses it........... You and I are the same age, I am still in good health BUT we both know, all that can change in a heartbeat.
But like I always tell everyone, dont you dare shed one tear
when I am gone; as from the High Arctic to Antarctica we
havent missed much in between!
Take care of yourself , you look like are having
"A great run" to me!
If you want a reality check go down and watch guys "are age" that need to take a breather,
from Walmart parking lot to the front doors......

The last time I EVER felt I ever got delt; "an unfair hand" Was one 30 below zero Janurary morning, in Willow, Alaska when I pulled out onto the Parks Hwy at mile 70 and there was a guy hitchiking, that had both legs missing!: (Vietnam Vet) Sitting ontop of a boat cushion, he had duct taped to the bottom of his parka....... he had a sign hanging off his neck that read "Fairbanks". He would put his fists down flat and pick himself up and swing forward then sit back down on that pad.............
I have never allowed myself to EVER feel sorry for myself: Since I saw him trying to hitchike to Fairbanks that bitterly cold morning. They say Brave is: "to be scared to death; but to saddle up anyway". Well I have never met a man in my life, As brave as that man, that morning. Guy you and I, have NO IDEA ;what a "bad hand" even looks like olde boy. Be good.
On a lighter note.
This is my idea of a bad day!033.jpg
35 Whelen":3nh54mn7 said:
A fella just doesnt realize how precious his health is till he looses it........... You and I are the same age, I am still in good health BUT we both know, all that can change in a heartbeat.
But like I always tell everyone, dont you dare shed one tear
when I am gone; as from the High Arctic to Antarctica we
havent missed much in between!
Take care of yourself , you look like are having
"A great run" to me!
If you want a reality check go down and watch guys "are age" that need to take a breather,
from Walmart parking lot to the front doors......

The last time I EVER felt I ever got delt; "an unfair hand" Was one 30 below zero Janurary morning, in Willow, Alaska when I pulled out onto the Parks Hwy at mile 70 and there was a guy hitchiking, that had both legs missing!: (Vietnam Vet) Sitting ontop of a boat cushion, he had duct taped to the bottom of his parka....... he had a sign hanging off his neck that read "Fairbanks". He would put his fists down flat and pick himself up and swing forward then sit back down on that pad.............
I have never allowed myself to EVER feel sorry for myself: Since I saw him trying to hitchike to Fairbanks that bitterly cold morning. They say Brave is: "to be scared to death; but to saddle up anyway". Well I have never met a man in my life, As brave as that man, that morning. Guy you and I, have NO IDEA ;what a "bad hand" even looks like olde boy. Be good.
On a lighter note.
This is my idea of a bad day!
Yeah I agree with you E 100%.
When I went down last spring after walking in the Doctors office and he told me I had to go straight to the ER and he would call and alert them I was on my way I thought why me what did I do to deserve this. It seems all my life I have been working around limitations and still have a had a fairly full life so I looked at it like one more road block to get around and did what I needed to do and made a life style change. With all the injuries and new physical limitations I have found a way around them.
Looking at some one less fortunate will get you over the pity party real quick.
Oh, believe me, I'm thankful for what I've got left at 62... (y)

This morning, walked over 3 miles in 29 degree weather, to and from the gym. Did squats, curls, bench, situps, pullups, etc... Been out on snowshoes already, despite our crazy warm winter. Hoping to get out on the x-c skis, but the snowpack is already vanishing. More snow due tomorrow. We will see...

Spent the afternoon instructing "CQB" pistol drills. :grin:

Comes spring, maybe before then if the weather continues to be so mild, I'll be out on my bicycle.

Like many of us, I've got my aches and pains, and my weaknesses, and my old injuries only partially healed. But I'm having a blast! :grin:

Prone may have become a thing of the past. If so, ah well. I'd better get real good at my sitting position!

Regards, Guy
Old age suck. I'm just a year behind you but I have no limitations so far except a loss of hearing due to surgery, a couple of scrapes and bruises from a bicycle tumble, a gall bladder removed and knee surgery a couple of years ago. I can still shoot prone with no problem. Oh and by the way, cataract surgery was a godsend. I don't have to wear my prescription glasses anymore. Man we're old :p
Guy Miner":1q6paplv said:
Ya, a couple years ago things got so bad that I needed to have three vertebrae fused. The ol' neck doesn't move very well anymore.

I still have a 600 pound leg-press, and can ride my bike 60 - 70 miles or more, no problem.

But, the neck is a weak point. I may not be able to compete anymore.


Have you looked at PRS?

You seem to be too well to just hang up competing.

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Desert Fox":2guv8481 said:
Old age suck. I'm just a year behind you but I have no limitations so far except a loss of hearing due to surgery, a couple of scrapes and bruises from a bicycle tumble, a gall bladder removed and knee surgery a couple of years ago. I can still shoot prone with no problem. Oh and by the way, cataract surgery was a godsend. I don't have to wear my prescription glasses anymore. Man we're old :p

You're young pups, I tell you, young pups. :lol: