Range report 7-13-14 (pics)


Dec 2, 2010
Well it was a very nice morning at the range. After a few shots the bugs left so that was nice.

Up first is the .243 X-Bolt. I have been shooting Federal Blue Box 100gr soft points to break the barrel in and to gather the brass. So far it has 40 shots down the tube. Here is the last 3 shot group. It is by far the best one. I noticed that it take the rifle about 6-10 shots to settle in. Now all I can do is hope for SPS to put some 70gr B-Tips or PT up so I can do my own load dev.

Next was dad's 25-06. I used IMR4350 with the 110 AB. I annealed the brass nickel Rem brass before sizing and I think it helped a lot.

I plan on retrying the 47.5gr with different depths. If I could get it down just a touch, it will be good enough for dad and hunting. I have tried RL19 before annealing and might try that again just to see what it will do, then pick the better powder and go from there.

The third rifle was the 270 Medallion with H4831sc and 130 Btips. This is the second time out with the rifle and I need to adjust the trigger because there is a lot of travel.

I set the bullets out as far as the mag would allow so I can play with depth next. I think I will take the 56gr charge and try different depths.

Last up is what everyone has been waiting on, the 338WM. Today's goal was to play with action screw torque. I used 225 Interlocks, 74gr of RL19, Win Mag Primers and Win brass.
All torques are in inch/pounds (rear/mid/front screws)

Every change = .6" of change!!!

After walking down to the targets, I felt confident that all 4 rifles could have done the job in the woods this morning. Just a little work on the 25-06 and 270 and they should be ready to go. I am hoping that this is the start of improvements with the 338wm.

Thanks for all the help. I know that without this site, I would not be seeing the results like I have been.
WAY TO GO WT! That is great to see the 338 Win Mag respond huh? I had a decent hunch you would figure something out! Excellent. That had to make you smile a little bit huh?

Your others are shooting well too. I am very happy your 338 is responding better. I know it was driving you up a wall. Been there and understood your frustration with it. That middle trigger screw can be menacing at times. Just needs just enough TQ to keep it locked down and I am not totally surprised your rifle shoots well with 50 inch lbs.. Mine is the same way, but they are all different, the next one could like it more at 25.. Just the nature of the beast.
...looks like you're on the right tack, WT. The .338 is looking like it's coming together. Most of us are trying for a 1/2MOA from our hunting rifles, but just a thought, it wasn't that long ago, like when me & Dr. Mike were growing up, that a 1 1/2MOA hunting rifle was considered "very good". Well, maybe it was "a while ago", but MOA is probably better than what a large percentage of hunters will hit the field w/. Good Luck on achieving the "Holy Grail", you're doing a fine job...
wildgene":mh19em5n said:
...looks like you're on the right tack, WT. The .338 is looking like it's coming together. Most of us are trying for a 1/2MOA from our hunting rifles, but just a thought, it wasn't that long ago, like when me & Dr. Mike were growing up, that a 1 1/2MOA hunting rifle was considered "very good". Well, maybe it was "a while ago", but MOA is probably better than what a large percentage of hunters will hit the field w/. Good Luck on achieving the "Holy Grail", you're doing a fine job...

WT, just remember Gene and Mike were using Minie Balls and blackpowder as well, so 1.5 MOA is REALLY good.. They did have the advantage of a 60" sight plane though! :lol:
I have a 340 wby that just doesn't seem to like anything lighter than 250 grainers. It shoots 250 partitions and hornady spire points lights out.
I have a pretty good inventory of 338 bullets on hand. If you want a variety pack of small amounts to test pm me and I'll do an inventory. Pretty sure I have 225 and 250 accubonds, 250 parts, 250 horn, 225 set....and some 225/215 grainers too.
wisconsinteacher":x6l5uyxy said:
Well it was a very nice morning at the range. After a few shots the bugs left so that was nice.

Up first is the .243 X-Bolt. I have been shooting Federal Blue Box 100gr soft points to break the barrel in and to gather the brass. So far it has 40 shots down the tube. Here is the last 3 shot group. It is by far the best one. I noticed that it take the rifle about 6-10 shots to settle in. Now all I can do is hope for SPS to put some 70gr B-Tips or PT up so I can do my own load dev.

I have an X-Bolt in .243 that will shoot clover leafs all day with just about anything you load in her. However, I have noticed it likes the heavier bullets better. Fantastic rifle! Nice shooting, BTW!
The .243 has a 2-8 scope on it. I would like to slap something more powerful on it just for kicks while shooting groups.

OU812 has offered some 250 PT for me to try. When I get them I plan on hitting the range. I am hoping that they do the job.

Do you think I should try the 210 one more time now that the screws are set up or forget about them?

Thanks again, now to fine tune.
wisconsinteacher":1sv1a4in said:
Do you think I should try the 210 one more time now that the screws are set up or forget about them?

Thanks again, now to fine tune.

Yes, I think you should. I think if you can get the 210's to shoot well your search for a bullet is over. They are FEARSOME in the 338..
wisconsinteacher":23ryibih said:
The .243 has a 2-8 scope on it. I would like to slap something more powerful on it just for kicks while shooting groups.

OU812 has offered some 250 PT for me to try. When I get them I plan on hitting the range. I am hoping that they do the job.

Do you think I should try the 210 one more time now that the screws are set up or forget about them?

Thanks again, now to fine tune.

Way to go WT!!!!!!!!!!! I'll take MOA all day long. Did you tell the wife you're rifle must be broke as it's no longer "consistent with the big groups." It's amazing what a little thing like action screw torque can do to group size. :mrgreen:

By all means try the 210's and the 250's. Now that the rifle will shoot MOA you can rule out group size caused by the rifle and some tinkering of loads will yield you the group size you desire.

I have all the trust and faith in the world with you guys, but I will have to see it to believe it with the 210s. I am more than willing to try them and plan on doing so very soon. If a group goes from 4+ down to 1" because of screws, I will be very happy and forget the thought of selling it.
wisconsinteacher":3huvu5yr said:
I have all the trust and faith in the world with you guys, but I will have to see it to believe it with the 210s. I am more than willing to try them and plan on doing so very soon. If a group goes from 4+ down to 1" because of screws, I will be very happy and forget the thought of selling it.

What were group sizes with the 225's prior?

It's always possible your rifle just may not like the 210's but if you drop the group size down you might try some seating depth and powder charge changes to bring it in.

Looks to me right now worst case (which is not a bad case IMO) you run the 225 interlocks and rock on.
I think that the last time out with 225s, I shot a 2.5" group with 74gr of RL19. I did shoot a better group with 75gr of powder so I could retry that also. I went with 74gr today because it is the Nosler max load.
Try a couple loads WT. I think they will all be decent now that you've got the rifle sorted out.
SJB358":yup4hvtc said:
Try a couple loads WT. I think they will all be decent now that you've got the rifle sorted out.

I agree with Scotty. With the rifle sorted out now it will come down to the loads the rifle actually likes. Keep us posted.
Nice shooting WT and glad they are settling in for you. When I was loading for my buddies 270 Win using 130 gr. Partitions and H4831SC, he told me to try working my load up with Federal 215 magnum primers instead of standard large rifle primers. I did and it was simple to get his rifle from shooting 5" PATTERNS (no way to call those groups) with factory stuff to 3/4" groups. Okay so a good cleaning helped a bit I'm sure too as he had NEVER cleaned his rifle. He told me he shoots it to clean it!

His load ended up being H4831SC (59.0 grs) , 130 gr. Nosler PT, Winchester brass, and Federal 215 primer. You might load up a couple loads of three with that primer and see what it does.