RCBS Neck Sizer Die Problem



I've never used a neck sizer die before so this is my first use of one.
I set it up per instructions to neck size 30-06 brass.
I just noticed after I re-sized 20 cases that 50% of them have this raised ring on the casing 1/8" up from the rim. Is this something I should be concerned about and/or do I just need to make an adjustment I'm not aware of ? Need some feed back please.

That is where the die has stopped on the case. Did you try chambering a resized case in your rifle?

Thanks for the reply.That makes sense to me. Just curious as to why some have more of a pronounced ring than others. Should I lube that area a little more or maybe adjust the die differently? Is what I'm experiencing typical of Neck Sizer Dies? I did cycle some of the cases through the gun and their ok.

Lube the entire case. That part of the case expands to fit your chamber and every rifle is different. Some cases will expand more than others, depends on your specific chamber.

Dip the neck of the case in a dry lube such as the Imperial dry neck lube and inspect the case after sizing. the neck of the case should be sized to the start of the shoulder. No other lube is necessary. With a standard neck die the shoulder should not be bumped and the base of the case should not be altered.Rick.