Reluctant to purchase "seconds"

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Am reluctant to purchase "seconds" when I need bullets for my rifles. The prices look good, and I read that these are mere cosmetic blemishes etc...

BUT - a few years back I bought some Nosler 168 grain .30 caliber competition bullets that were advertised as "seconds." Believe I got them from Midway. Many of the bullets were just fine, and shot as well as expected for a match bullet from my match rifle - quite nicely. A number of them though had obvious defects in the jacket, like a twisted seam on the ogive.

These were most interesting to shoot.

They never grouped well. A few of them came apart between the muzzle and the target. Sure sounded wild, kind of buzzed for a moment, then "poof" no bullet. I think that "seam" in the jacket came undone.

Shot those bullets up, threw away the really bad ones, and have not purchased "seconds" from Nosler or any other manufacturer since. I like accuracy out of my rifles, and consistency.

I know there are shooters here who have had good luck with "seconds." Am I the only one who got some truly bad bullets when buying them?

Guy, after you past experience, I can see why you would hesitate to buy any "seconds" from any manufacturer.

I have been buying "seconds" for longer than I want to admit. When Sierra was in southern CA we used to go down there and buy their seconds or rejects by the pound. We would leave with sacks full of them.

Most had poorly formed tips that we just cut off. We killed thousands of ground squirrels and jack rabbits with them.

I have been buying seconds from Nosler for a number of years now and have never had a problem with any of them. (In calibers from .224 to .338) I have shot lots and lots of varmints with them and a fair number of wild hogs. Never a problem in any way.

I live in California and have relatives near Bend, Oregon. When I go to visit them I go to Nosler and load up on their seconds. The people at Nosler have told me that some of the "seconds" are really not seconds at all but just overruns that they need to move.

My only complaint about Nosler seconds is that they do not always have the ones I want in stock. Just the way it goes.
Guy, FWIW, I shot that Spike elk with a 30 cal 200AB 2nd. If I can, that's all I buy and use. Unfortunately, I can't always get 2nds in what I'm looking for, so I buy factory box stuff until I can stock up on 2nds.
I've had more problems with First's the Seconds. Several time's I've had corroded tips on first's, and I know it because they have been sitting on the shelf for only God knows how long. Sometimes I wonder if the cardboard box helps soak up moisture, because I've never had these problems with the seconds in the plain plastic bag. Of course I don't shoot much competions.

If I did, I'd probably be like you guy, and shoot mostly first's. The price difference between for the Competion bullets between the firsts and seconds isn't that great, especially if you stock up when Proshop has them on sale. :grin:

Seconds is just about all I use. Accuracy is great!


I've gotten good accuracy (finally) out of some 130gr E-Tip seconds in my 270Wby. I hope to have opportunity to post regarding on-game performance later this season.
I have had had an issue with the 2nds, but I stopped buytin them for two reasons.

1. They never have what I want.
2. Once you add the shipping I can buy the firsts from the store here in town.
Nosler4":2smv70on said:
That's why you buy lots of them when you see them Goose! :grin:

Yup, as Nosler4 can attest to, I buy several bags when I place an order. The shipping cost is not that much.

GooseHunter Jr":1vpymu9p said:
I check almost everyday and I nver see any .338 WM bullets up there.

Try calling Shooters Pro Shop. :wink:

This is 300 yard target fired with my 300 RUM and 200 gr accubonds. .675"!


223 at 100 yards 40 gr BT 5 shots under 1/2"


my boys 270 130 bts at 100 yards


my accumark 30-378 . 200 Accubonds at 200 yards .8" group.


All these are seconds.
I can post dozens of more pictures of targets or animals taken with seconds.

NOT AN ISUUE! :wink:
Savage99":1k6s22fg said:
I don't load seconds. It gets rid of a variable.

I'm with you an Guy on this one. It would worry the living hello out of me to load seconds.
I want the very best that i can buy.
Ahhhh.... stop worrying

live and save a little will yah? :lol: