Remington 673 Guide 6.5 mm Rem Mag

POP":2l9iwp8x said:
Yup 2 & 1.......

That is my thought, find a load between 60.0 and 61.0 grs.

I am also going to give IMR 4350 a try too.

I shot these groups this evening......

120 gr BT with 59.0 grs RL 22. Avg 3059 fps, ES 11, SD 5
120 gr BT with 56.0 grs IMR 4350. Avg 3120 fps, ES 33, SD 18

125 gr PT with 59.5 grs RL 22. Avg 3017 fps, ES 20, SD 10

125 gr PT with 60.0 grs RL 22. Avg 3047 fps, ES 64, SD 33

Next up is RL 19 and IMR 4831.

Seems like it is coming along. RL22 is starting to show some promise. 4350 has some great speed to it though. Seems like 4831 and RL19 might work as well.

Are you still thinking about bedding it? Scotty

These groups were with the shim, didn't really see much of a difference.

Gotcha. Seems like it is breaking in some. Every target is getting better and better, at least that is the trend I am seeing. I think you will be in there shortly Jim. Those speeds with 4350 had to get you a little excited. Those are 100FPS better than the Nosler Factory ammo 125's that were shot in my 264! Scotty
You've put so much time and energy into this I feel I ought to buy one just so I can take advantage of your expertise. It also sounds like you're getting 264 velocities in a short, handy, cool looking rifle. I'm going to go back and read these threads again because I skipped some. Did you work on OAL much on these loads?

My 673 (350 RM) just didn't want to shoot at first. The shorter action is not conducive to accuracy, I find. However, I pillar bedded it and that did improve accuracy considerably. It is still a fussy rifle, but when it shoots, it shoots very well.
Jim -
What was the load density with 4350? Did you see any pressure signs with the 60 grain load? Those are some really nice speeds for the rifle. I am looking forward to seeing what R19 will do with the 125 PT.
257 Ackley":198mae0v said:
Jim -
What was the load density with 4350? Did you see any pressure signs with the 60 grain load? Those are some really nice speeds for the rifle. I am looking forward to seeing what R19 will do with the 125 PT.

Joel, I am able to stuff 75gr's of Retumbo in the 264WM with 130gr AB's and I believe the bullet is just lightly touching the powder charge. You have a ton of room in these bigger 6.5's I believe. Scotty
I think may be on to a load with the 125 gr PT and IMR 4831.
I tested 55.0 grs which yielded an avg velocity of 2957 fps, ES 18 and SD 9 BUT 56.0 grs averaged 3043 fps, ES 5 and SD 2! Group went .836" at 100 yds.

Thanks fellas,

I will reshoot 56.0 grs IMR 4831. Also going to try 56.5 grs and 57.0 grs of IMR 4831.
We are getting close. :grin:

Looks great Jim. I imagine you are pretty close. Should be a monster with those 125's at 3050-3100. Your beating up the 270 Win with a better BC'ed and SD'ed bullet. Scotty
Range report from this morning...

First 2 fouling shots (upper left) were with the 120 gr BT and 59.0 grs RL 22. They went .527" and averaged 3016 fps, ES 30, SD 21.
I found a load for the 120 gr BT (lower left). 57.0 grs IMR 4831 averaged 3098 fps, ES 20, SD 10. Group went .631".

As for the 125 gr PT, I need to reshoot 56.5 grs IMR 4831 as the 1st of 3 was me (center target). Avg velocity was 3049 fps, ES 32 and SD 18.
The 57.0 grs IMR 4831 group (lower right) looked like a shotgun pattern. Ave velocity was 3072 fps, ES 31, SD 15.


Hi Jim,

I appreciate the work you've done here and posting the results, as I have the 673 in 6.5 and no time to do what you have done. I procured some Fed match primers (at considerable cost because I couldn't find them locally) and will get some IMR4831 with which to try and duplicate your results with the 125PT, whenever I next can get to a range.

As I mentioned before, I've had pretty good results with the TTSX 120 (note: if Nosler made such an E-tip I'd be using it) and kinda like the idea of not shooting lead into something I'm gonna eat - I just want to make it go faster - and I'd like to have a good 130AB round (I have an accurate 2850fps load for it but would like to make it go faster, as well). I have two questions, if you would:

Do have any plans to develop a 130AB load for your 673?

On 6/5 and 6/10 your 120BT 59-grain RL-22's went 3060 but on 6/11 and 6/12 they went significantly slower and the spreads were wider - does that mean anything? Were you always using GM215M primers? (I know, that's 2-1/2 questions but I'm wondering if you changed primers and that might have contributed to the differing velocities.)
I think I found Utopia.

130 gr AB with 59.0 grs of RL 22, R-P case and the GM215M primers produced the following for me from the 22" barreled M673 Guide.
3004, 3013, 3005 for an average 3007 fps

ES 9

SD 4.

Group went .372" at 100 yds.


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Shangri-la for certain. Whoda thunk that a cool lookin' "woods carbine" would be capable of PD-at-400+-accuracy! VERY cool. Pronghorn better be on the lookout this October!

Where do you get your Fed 215Ms? Does Dan stock those?
You have definitely arrived, Jim. Good looking rifle; good groups can only enhance its beauty.