Remington Model 7- 260 trigger question


Feb 16, 2013
I picked up a used Model 7- 260 a couple years ago. When all this stuff came out about their factory triggers being faulty I checked out their site to see if it affected either of my 2 guns. It did and I filled out the forms and hadn't heard anything from them about it till this spring. I filled out more paperwork and got a box sent to me to ship them back. I got the first gun back (35 whelen) in about a month. I then preceded to send the other gun back (260). I expected it to be gone about the same length of time. I received an e,mail the other day saying it was repaired and being sent back to me, about a week after I sent it in. I got it today and opened the box tonight to check out what they had done. In the box was a small tan envelope with written on it aftermarket trigger. I opened it up and to my surprise I guess the previous owner had installed a Timney trigger in it. Now a decision has to be made, do I keep the factory trigger they re-installed in it or swap back out to the Timney. Looking for opinions.
I would be installing the Timney, much better trigger than the factory one.
I would reinstall the Timney trigger and not look back.

Yup, take the factory trigger out. Put the Timney in. Sell the factory trigger on eBay for $40. Not a bad deal!
(y) Roll with the Timney. It's a far better trigger than the Remington factory unit. I run them in several rifles & they're my first choice for swapping out a trigger in a hunting rifle. I have a few Rem 700s that were part of the recall, but I never bothered sending them back. I just bought Timneys and swapped them out myself.
I disagree. Nothing wrong with the factory trigger especially the old ones. The recall happened because folks set them too low with not enough sear engagement. The old Timneys are fine, but is no upgrade in my opinion. Just a fat trigger shoe. I’ve got 2 of the Timney Calvins, they are OK but not great either. Trigger Tech is the way.