Remington xhr


Dec 20, 2008
Anyone got to handle one yet? Supposedly a friend got one recently but I have not met up with hime yet

also what is with all the discrepecies in the remington cataloge in main part of the book it says the xhr comes with 24 or 26 inch barrels but if you read the specs it shows 22 24 or 26 and a 22" tube on a .25.06 also gunbroker lists supports the latter the spec sheet also shows that the 300 rum sps only has a 24" barrel I cant imagine that is true

anyone got any insight?

I am not a fan of Reminton rifles for hunting although I used them for target shooting. I glanced at the Rem. site for that XHR seems like another marketing effort rather than redesign which is what Rem really needs for a hunting gun. It has a triangular barrel! LOL.

My suggestion is to look at other rifles besides the Rem 700. Those rifles only have two position safeties and either won't lock the bolt closed or allow the chamber to be unloaded on safe. They also lack other desireable features such as well attached bolt handles, a large strong extractor, a blade ejector and CRF.

New rifles that do have most of those features are the Ruger 77-2, M 70's with CRF and Kimbers.
Well I was not looking for opinions on the 700 as a whole but thanks anyway I already own 5 700 and will continue to purchase them as I have yet to have an issue besides since I alrady have so many and I like to keep everything the same I wont be changing anytime soon.
I'm not sure why one needs more than a two position safety. The Rem 700 does allow for unloading on safe, the newer models do anyway. Why does the bolt need to be locked on safe for hunting? How hard to you have to hammer your bolts to get them open? A 700's bolt will open with one finger, hardly even close to enough to break it off. What is the big deal about CRF? The extractor is known as a weak link on the 700. I have never had any problems with one and will not change one out, Sako style, because of opinionated design.

So you don't like Remingtons, big deal. Just say so, but don't make it sound like every hunting rifle needs what you mentioned when thousands of hunters have been successful for many years Remingtons and others alike.