RL 33

When I see RL33 locally, I'll assuredly grab some. Those are pretty good numbers, Scotty. It definitely makes me want to try this powder (as if I needed an excuse to try a new powder).
DrMike":1qkgincq said:
When I see RL33 locally, I'll assuredly grab some. Those are pretty good numbers, Scotty. It definitely makes me want to try this powder (as if I needed an excuse to try a new powder).

I am with you Mike. I have been trying to pare my powders down to just the Alliant stuff that works pretty much in all of my rifles, now they went and released a new one to throw a wrench in my plans. I was pretty happy with RL7, 15, 19, 22 and 25.. With 33 in there now, I am trying to resist it..

I do like Alliant powders alot though. I always try the powder I think is best for a given cartridge, but I always seem to gravitate back towards Alliant when the shooting is done.