RL23 in 25-06


Oct 6, 2009
I've been playing around with the 25-06 and I'll probably settle on Retumbo for 110s and up if it is ever available again, but I see alot of recommendations for RL22. What about RL23? It is supposed to not be temp sensitive, looks like it will push the bullet a little faster, and for some reason is more available locally. Not as accurate as RL22? Anyone have any experience?
Never ran RL23 in either of mine. Started out way back with IMR4831 then tried IMR7828ssc and H1000 pushing the 110 gr NABLR bullets. In mine, I found the best speed and accuracy with IMR7977.
Wish I could find a use for the pound of RL23 I have though.
I've shot lots of different powders in my 25.06 over the years with good results and i've looked hard at RL23 as well as RL26 but I've never tried either. I've read lots of positive reviews on both so I know they work and work well.
RL22 gets lots of recommendations because it just plain works in the 25.06 or at least it has for me. I know it's suppose to be temp sensitive but honestly I haven't had an issue with that here in my part of NC but we don't have big temp swings here either like some other places experience so I wouldn't know. It's no doubt my go to powder for the 25.06 and has been the most accurate and consistent for me over the years. Mike
bob, i've shot mostly soft points (Speer & Sierra) but have also shot the 110gr Accubonds as well as the 115gr BT's with good results. I really like the Speer 120gr Hot-Cor as well as the Sierra 117gr Pro-Hunter for deer and I have a cabinet full of both of those that should last me a lifetime.

this is a 5shot group
R23 and R26 worked swell in my last .270. Same case, and only 0.02" diff! :) But I will add that I only used both powders with 150 & 160 weights.
FWIW, I've be shooting a 280 AI for years with RL22 and contrary to what the internet experts say, I have not had any issues with RL22. I get great speed and excellent accuracy as some of you here have seen.
All powders are temp sensitive and that's why I do my load development in the summer time when you are going to get higher pressures.
Don't be afraid to use RL22, it's a good powder!

If you want to cut to the chase, for us RL25 was the
Powder for the 25/06, I use alot of RL26 and it works
great as well. But for us RL25 works perfect in the 25/06. Combined with a 90gr BlitzKing bullet, if there is a better "koyotie killer" I have not seen it!
Used with Speers old 120gr slugs, it becomes a near perfect round for Deer right out to 500yds.
Good Luck