Scope for my .338


Dec 2, 2010
I am starting to shop for my .338WM. I looked at the 4x12 Redfield this week and it liked how clear it was. I also like the made in the USA fact and the 100% coverage. Would this be a good scope for the .338? I know it is not the top end of the market, but from what I have read, most people like the scope.
I am a huge fan of the 2.5x8 scopes on the 338. I have the VX3 on mine and it is an excellent scope. I imagine if the 2x7 or maybe the 3x9 Redfields look good to you, they would be good choices as well. One thing to keep in mind is if you buy a lesser expensive scope now, and wanna upgrade it will cost you more in the end. Good glass on the 338WM is money in the bank. I think the Redfields are nice, but for the money I would check out the Minox's, Conquests and VX3's. Great scopes and will be some of the best you can put on the rifle and they won't break the bank too awfully bad. You won't ever regret spending the money. Scotty
The new Redfields seem to be decent scopes. I don't have one, but the ones I've handled and looked through seemed to be of good quality and an exceptionally good value.

I don't think I'd want a 4-12 for a .338 though. Lots of magnification, but to what end? The .338 is a Big Game rifle. Elk, moose, bear - and of course you can shoot coyotes, mule deer and other smaller animals with it if you'd like, but it really made it's reputation as an elk rifle. So who needs 12x on a general purpose elk rifle?

Then again, except for my precision rifles, I've got a real prejudice towards lower powered scopes and even fixed power scopes. Most of my hunting is done with either a .25-06, or a .30-06, and they both wear fixed 6x Leupold scopes which have worked fine from 30 yards to 400 yards on mule deer.

Just put a 1.5-5x on my .375 H&H Ruger. Was out at the 300 yard line the other day with it slamming the gong. Last year I had a 30 year old 2-7x Redfield on that rifle and clobbered a bear at just over 300 yards with it. Believe the scope was set on 5x or 6x when I shot. No problem, plenty of magnification. The only reason I replaced that scope is that it's not as bright and clear as modern scopes.

I'd recommend something like a 2-7x for your .338 Win mag. Would work great for those up-close shots when game gets up right at your feet and also offers plenty of magnification for 300+ yard shots when necessary.

A wordy answer. Please forgive me, unless you plan on using that rifle extensively at long ranges, I see no need for the 12x, and you give up some of the great advantage you could have at "normal" hunting ranges by having a 2-7x scope instead.

I haven't compared the field of view at minimum magnification for the 2-7x vs the 4-12x. Is it significant? I'd guess that it is. A wide field of view is a huge benefit for the hunter at close and medium ranges, or for getting on moving game as well.

Regards, Guy
BTW - a friend of mine went to Africa last year, her first hunt ever.Not that I've ever hunted Africa, but she knew I've hunted and shot a lot over the years and asked my advice on a plains game rifle. I recommended a .270 Win, .280 Rem, or a .30-06 with a 2-7x or 2.5-8x Leupold.

She got all excited and bought a .300 Rem Ultra Mag Sendero for the hunt. Big, heavy, powerful rifle. Slapped a honking big scope on it, a 6.5-20x Leupold. Quality gear, but way different from what I'd recommended. Practiced and actually made good shots at 600 yards here at home.

Went to Africa, had a good time and HATED the rifle and scope. Too heavy. Too much magnification. She couldn't get on game well at all. Missed several opportunities at game because of a limited field of view. All her shots were at 200 yards or less, often much less. Eventually she managed to take some nice animals, but it was a difficult task, because she'd chosen a heavy, unwieldy rifle AND a high magnification scope...

More magnification isn't necessarily better. I do have a few rifles with 12x, 4.5-14x and 20x scopes - but they're specialized rifles, not general purpose rifles.

Just thoughts... Regards, Guy
Thanks for the help. I am just starting the process of looking. I will look at some 2x7 scopes. I guess I have never had an issue using my 3x9 on my 06. I keep it on 3 unless I am sitting over a field then it is at 5 or 6. Thanks.
I am very open right now and looking at Nikon, Leupold, Vortex, Weaver, Redfield, and Burris. I would like to spend $200-250 on the scope. Are there names on my list to get rid of right off the bat?
Buy a scope that represents as much quality as you can afford; you will never regret good glass on your rifle. I'd encourage you to look at Leupold or Vortex as representative of good glass at reasonable cost. Nikon makes some fine scopes as well. In the price range you list, it may be worth your while to look at a Bushnell 3200 2X7. I do believe that the recommendations to consider carefully 2X7 or 2.5X8 to be solid advice for the cartridge for which you will be using the scope.
I would highly recommend the Leupold VX-3 2.5-8x36mm scope for your 338 WM.
It is very bright and covers all your manification requirements from up close to 500 yds. It also carries a lifetime warranty and Leupold customer service is second to none.

wisconsinteacher":am7lejle said:
I am very open right now and looking at Nikon, Leupold, Vortex, Weaver, Redfield, and Burris. I would like to spend $200-250 on the scope. Are there names on my list to get rid of right off the bat?

I know you said 250 was your max but the 3x9 Minox's can be had for 300 and they are some nice glass. Very much on par with the VX3's and about half as much. Scotty
I try to keep an open mind with scopes. But I always remember the 15 year old leupold 3.5x10 scope that went to hell. I sent the scope in, it was repaired and returned to me in 2 weeks. A company that backs up their products like that is priceless. I also need a product I can trust when I am miles and or days from my backup rifle. Brian
brianwyo":5wrbw3f2 said:
I try to keep an open mind with scopes. But I always remember the 15 year old leupold 3.5x10 scope that went to hell. I sent the scope in, it was repaired and returned to me in 2 weeks. A company that backs up their products like that is priceless. I also need a product I can trust when I am miles and or days from my backup rifle. Brian

Same here Bryan. My Leupolds are first rate for toughness factor. Plus, I haven't ever had to return one, so that says alot as I am little abusive on equipment while hunting. If the Minox's hold up as well, they will be dipping into the Leupold fund a bit though. The Conquests seem to be really nice as well too. Scotty
It's never a bad investment saving a little more for a better scope. Just my personal preference, but I wouldn't think of putting less than a VX II on a .338. 2-7x33, 3-9x40, or a Conquest 3-9x40. I don't trust my Minox yet, not enough rounds through it, but I'm sure it will turn out fine.
brianwyo":32dciqp4 said:
I try to keep an open mind with scopes. But I always remember the 15 year old leupold 3.5x10 scope that went to hell. I sent the scope in, it was repaired and returned to me in 2 weeks. A company that backs up their products like that is priceless. I also need a product I can trust when I am miles and or days from my backup rifle. Brian

Ya can't put a price on that!

Well I will go no bigger than 3x9. I will keep saving and looking for a scope. If you see a deal, let me know.
Hey now, I don't need any more competition for used Leupy glass! :)
Both Jim and Scotty have given great ideas. A guy can find the 2.5-8x36 VX-III used for a good price. I have one on my 375R and love it. Have taken elk at 40 yards, and 240 yards with it. I can't comment on the Minox just yet as I don't have any first hand knowledge yet, but I have not read a bad thing about them, and I've been doing a lot of reading.

I have a VX-III 3.5-10x40 on my 338 WM, and wouldn't change it. It works great for the little bit of timber hunting I do, but also works great for the open country I mostly hunt. If you are using yours for elk I'm with everybody else here, you don't need anything bigger than a 9x or 10x.

I would be keeping an eye out for a good used scope with a lifetime warrenty. There are some good deals to be had every now and then.
I did some reading and so far like what I am reading about the Nikon Monarch 2-8x32, and the Leupold VX-II 3-9x40.
If you're considering 3-9x40, here's a closeout deal on a fine scope: ... e_4200.htm

The 4200 series has been discontinued, along with the 3200 series. They are being replaced by a single "Elite" series from Bushnell, which will largely be the 4200 models rebadged with better coatings and argon purging. This 4200, though, is every bit comparable in light transmission and durability to the Nikon Monarch and Leupold VXIII. I've got three of the 3200's on my own rifles, and they are my favorite optics. Were I looking for a new scope right now, the inventory would be 1 fewer at the link I provided.

In reality, I don't think you can go wrong on either of the two you listed, or the 4200 Bushnell, or a Minox or Conquest. It's all about what your budget will bear.