Scope of the times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're selling these in Miami? Sounds as if there is a genuine need there, NOW!
I looked at one of those at a store at home... I'm not into the zombie thing, but I would run one of those on an AR or a .45-70 just to annoy the anti-zombie types. (It was pretty ugly with the green markings...)
My friend at Leupold told me that someone came up with the idea of a Zombie scope just days before the shot show. The Custom Shop came up with what you see. It was a smash hit and Leupold took many orders from that show.

Myself, I am a VX-3 kind of guy. :mrgreen:

The Zombie thing is pretty lame in my opinion. Zombie guns, zombie ammo, zombie targets, zombie scopes, zombie, zombie, zombie! It's that kind of crap that makes idiots go out and buy guns that they should never be allowed to touch in the first place. That being said, it does look like a cool scope.
I think the Zombies will be all of the leaching, money sucking people who don't work. Once we are financially broke they will be roaming the world trying to find the next wallet to leach off of.. I am pretty sure they won't wanna take my wallet!
Let's start from Flint Michigan Scott.
ScreaminEagle":corx0cto said:
The Zombie thing is pretty lame in my opinion. Zombie guns, zombie ammo, zombie targets, zombie scopes, zombie, zombie, zombie! It's that kind of crap that makes idiots go out and buy guns that they should never be allowed to touch in the first place. That being said, it does look like a cool scope.

I dunno, if it gets new shooters into the sport, I guess I'm kinda okay with it, but some guys take things way too seriously, like they actually believe in zombies.

Now Bigfoot, on the other hand...
Being from Oregon, I'm surprised that Leupold hasn't made a Bigfoot scope. :shock:
FOTIS":2u5j99cp said:
Let's start from Flint Michigan Scott.

I am in.. Might as well start in the thick of it!

Now a Bigfoot scope, that is already taken by them monster Nightforces!
Cool get some 223 Hornady Zombie max my AR and I am in
Wait a minute, let me see if I have this right...

A year and a half into the VX6's product life, they STILL cannot figure out how to make them relatively readily available to consumers, but a few days before SHOT someone gets a wild hair and they can run some production????

Leupold is not on my good side....

tddeangelo":1m0z5d6c said:
Wait a minute, let me see if I have this right...

A year and a half into the VX6's product life, they STILL cannot figure out how to make them relatively readily available to consumers, but a few days before SHOT someone gets a wild hair and they can run some production????

Leupold is not on my good side....


Good point!!!
My understanding is that the VX-6 can be ordered now as I got mine on the second try in less than 10 days.
