Sheep Season Results


Feb 24, 2006
Well after a hard 10 straight days of hunting plus the following weekend for Big Horns I've come home without one. I have to say I have a whole new respect for these animals, as I learned quickly their eye-sight is absolutely phenominal ! My hunting partner put in more time than myself and stayed up the entire season short of one day in the middle without any success.

We saw alot of sheep... aprox 90 over the course of the season. Certianly had opportunities such as the very first day 30 min into the hunt..... I'm looking 50yds down the hill...too bad the two rams were 50yds up the hill !! :oops:

Later in the week I was able to pull a decent stalk on a nice ram and was within 66yds of him for 30 min plus while he fed. I later pushed the situation ( darn it, I know better ) !! and missed him @ 45yds.

We were able to get some good video of a bear that we attempted to call in as well, but he seemed to have other plans in the direct opposite direction of us once we started calling.
All in all, it was a great experience and I'm not a bit upset. Deer / Bear season ends this weekend, so going to give that one more go tomorrow, but thought I'd post some pics of the sheep hunt.

NOTE: Pics of the sheep were in our area and fair game. There were 6 of them that layed by the road for several days. I'm fairly confident one of these could have been taken without much trouble. Just had a major moral issue with that and the story of the beautiful mount on the wall just wouldn't have been the same.




Great pictures. Thanks for taking the time and for sharing your ethical persuasion. I tend to agree with you. However, just being in sheep country is always a blessing. It is a high ... literally!

Thanks for the story and the pictures. The success of the hunt is not measured by the harvest of the game, but the whole experience. You had the hunt of a life time that was shared with a good friend. Congratulations.

The pictures through the spotting scope look great!

Mark -
Great pics, thanks for sharing the experience. Gotta agree with you on not taking the ones by the road. You will be in great shape for any other hunting you do this year!!!

Had you practiced much at 66 yards prior to the hunt? I know that I had limits on how far I would shoot for deer, and would rather pass or try and position myself for a better shot than wound an animal and not be able to recover it.
Yes, thanks for sharing. Even without bringing a sheep home you are way ahead of me as I will never probably go on a sheep hunt. The mountains etc... must be amazing. And seeing many animals and having the opportunities must have been a thrill.

Heck of a hunt there Powerstroke!

Is that a once-in-a-lifetime tag like it is here in Washington?

Dunno that I would have had the fortitude to resist putting a stalk on those rams by the road...
Thanks guys !
Hunting here in CO... the pic of the town below is SilverPlume which sits directly on I-70. Lucky enough from my house to out camp was only 1 hour away. Took less time to drive from home to camp than it did to walk out on top where we hunted everyday....

Im not sure why the sheep were on the road where they were, not like they were tame / getting fed or anything out of a parking lot like they do over on the Mt Evans side....... I did hear one of the Ram hunters did take a Ram in that area.... amazingly enough, the sheep disappeared after that, so I'm sure someone got one of them.

Only the Desert BigHorn tags here in CO are once in a lifetime. It took us 9yrs to draw the tags. Since we did not fill the tag, we can turn right back around and start sending in again next year. If one is lucky enough to take one of these, then you have to wait 5 years before you can start sending again.

I will definately send again... may have to seriously think about throwing an AccuBond their direction next time rather than an Easton Axxis. :grin:

I've watched rams just like in your picture in the areas of Lytton and Spences Bridge here in BC. They seem to enjoy coming down onto the roadway and resting there. Below Lytton, they frequently come out onto a bench overlooking the Fraser River where they feed. It would be quite possible to put an arrow in one at such a site.