Shooters Pro Shop brass cost


Dec 24, 2006
Just a question for the Nosler guys, why are 300WBY and some other cases that are listed as 2nds, the same price as regular 1st's. I am sure it must be a typo, but I was looking at the 264WM brass and it was listed as 58.00 or so for 2nds and 1st's don't cost that much. Same for the WBY stuff. Just wondering if I am missing something. Scotty
All the brass prices changed for some reason.
The 375 Ouch and Ouch was around $35.00 a few days ago. :shock:
Yeah, the 264WM was 30 something and now it is nearly 60.00. I am sure it something on their end. I was just about to buy some 264 brass, but not at that price. I am too CHEAP! Scotty
I suspect from present metal prices, it would not be a bad idea to secure what is needed in the line of brass for the coming year or so. I'd look for a significant increase in bullet prices as well for this coming year.
I took a look at the 264WM brass prices abd he's right. 1st were 52.95 and 2nds were 58.95. Same thing with the 300WBY, 1st 62.95 and 2nds are 69.95

I just sent a PM to JustMo informing him the pricing problem.
Thanks Rich, I spaced out and forgot to do that. Should have jumped right to the source. Scotty
Yup, same counts. I checked that also. Was wondering if they may have doubled the amount or something, but nothing. Scotty