Sight-in Distance for .22 Rifle


Apr 29, 2015
Need some thoughts from everyone on the usual sight-in distance for a .22 Rifle using High speed hollow points. I'm thinking 50 yards but it's been quite a long time since I did any shooting with a .22 and I'm using peep sights, not a scope. There are plenty of squirrels and rabbits in my area that I'd like to take advantage of.
With peep sights, between 40-50 yards sounds about right for hunting small game. Closer range is still close enough to make a killing shot, and a little further isn't a real issue.
I have two .22 rifles. One has open sights and the other has a cheap scope on top.

I sighted both of them in for 75 yards. But that is because they see use on ground squirrels and rabbits, and the occasional communist pop can.

If I was hunting tree squirrels though, I would go for the 50 yard zero personally.
Mine are sighted in at 50 yards. Grouse are generally shot at from 20 to 40 yards. My farthest shot on a grouse was ~60 yards. I took several sharptails at that distance.
Our .22s are also sighted in at 50yards. We try for upland later in the year, 50 yards would likely be the average shot first thing in the morning or at dusk when they come out to feed.

50 yds.
I have a Remington M541T-HB with A VX II 4-12 with turrets that is scary accurate with Remington Yellow Jackets. Some of the trophies it has collected are 2 mice off a bird feeder at 20 yds and a red squirrel at 75 yds. Its my go to vermin patrol rifle. The 50 yd zero covers everything I use it for.

Mice at twenty yards is some fine shooting, Jim. My "go to" ammunition is Remington Golden Sabre, which my T-Bolt appears to prefer.
50 yards would sound like a reasonable choice.

I would think that it would depend more on what you plan to hunt, where you hunt, at what distance you are comfortable with, and how well your eyesight is. (just a thought)
With most Long Rifle ammo at 1250 fps , (0 at 17 yrds )
With the trajectory puts you pretty much (0 at 75) when you stretch it out a bit .
I got this from the ol marlin sight in guide that came with my 39a , it is darn close , as per ussual there maybe fine tuning involved.
I just don't want to be thinking about trajectory and doing mental calculations when game presents itself. That's true for my bigger rifles, too. Even so, a guy has to learn his own setup with a .22 because of that rainbow trajectory. I suggest sighting at 50, but then really checking at 25 and 75 yds. so you know where they hit, especially for squirrels. You'll develop a feel for drop vs. distance beyond 50 yds. with some practice.