Status? E Tip 257


The group with 67.5 increased to 1.25" and the bolt was a little balky. I debated with myself about trying a slower powder. I am happy with the 66.5 RL19 load but know that the rifle is capable of more.

RL19 is great with the 85 grain NBST at 3800 FPS and IMR7828SSC shoots less than .5" with the 110 AccuBond.

Just came downstairs from loading up some of the 100 grain E-Tips with RL22 and IMR7828SSC. I will try to shoot in the afternoon on Sunday, if not it will have to wait until Friday.

I have heard good reports about RL17, but have no first hand experience.

Bend, Oregon
I'll keep you posted. 7828SSC works great with 110 Accubonds. Quarter inch groups, several, at 3400 FPS.

Bend, Oregon

Beautiful day at the range. Temperature was about 32 when I started and was about 45 when I finished. Tried RL22 and IMR7828SSC. Found a sweet spot with both however the speeds are very similar to the RL19 load. The best RL22 load group was .410" and with 7828 load group .425" both acceptable.

Next range session I will bump both up by .5, 1.0, and maybe 1.5 grains. No excess pressure at this. Primers are flat but that is routine with the .257 Weatherby.

A one grain bump should get me to 3400FPS, IF, the groups stay together and no pressure problems. I was probably too conservative in my approach worrying about excess pressure.

I think I will take H1000 to the next dance just cause and it is an Extreme powder.

Wife is an RN at the hospital here in Bend and they had a guy in the Emergency Room today that loss his right eye to a piece of hot brass from a ruptured case. Maybe, conservative is the way to go.

Jerry 919
Bend, Oregon

Could not finish up testing the 100 grain E-Tip today due to extremely high winds... Hopefully they will die down over the weekend. I will keep you posted.

Jerry 919
Bend, Oregon
Well I finally made it to the range today to try out these etips in my 257 wby which is a model 700 with the christensen arms wrapped barrel

I was not really overly impressed as I was only shooting at 50 yds as I was working with 3 guns and just trying bunches of loads to see what may work.

Best group was with RL 22 I went to mid range on teh 100 gr ballistic tip data what ever that was with no pressure signs so I am going to bump it up next time

Anyone else have any ideas for powder for this bullet in a 257 wby? I been getting lucky with retumbo in other guns could this work in this case?