steps on how to panfry walleye


Jun 27, 2009
We went fishing in northern sask. on aug long weekend and came up with this reciepe: but you have to follow it step for step or it might not turn out. Get up early, load the lund, hit the water and fish. step 2: hammer the wallys, keep enough for a meal throw back the rest. step 3: go back to camp( now this is important) crack a beer!! filet the wallys, marinate the filets in golden itailian dressing and a drop of beer (you don't want to waste it) . step4: heat up the pan, melt in some butter Ya I said it real butter, artey clogging goodness, oh yea and have a beer. Step 5: pull the filets out of the marinade and roll them in flour/crunched up corn flakes , drop them in the heated pan of butter, have a beer.Step 6: cook for 5-7 min,pull out of pan and eat till you hurt, have a beer. Step7: (now this one is important) sit down and relax your on days off dammit !! Oh yeah have another beer.
Great recipe. Problem is I haven't drank that many Beers in many years and if I was to drink that many Beers I wouldn't get to eat the Walleyes as I'd be sleeping. However I might have to work on it a bit but am thinking I could eventually get it right in the end.

well I almost forgot about this recipe, it,s a good thing I seen it again the ingredients are different but the steps are very similar for frying up moose tenders now I'll give a list of ingredients but you'll have to figure out the steps on your own. 2 Nice tenderloins, preferably moose: 2 cloves of garlic, 2 spanish onions, 1 red & 1geen pepper, 2 celery stalks, some fresh mushrooms, sautee' in canola oil all veggies, dice tenders, throw in meat and brown add any prefered spices, do not over cook meat should be medium at most. Do all this while hav'in a BUD or 5. Enjoy.
Seeing that you are from Canada, you shuld know that there are a lot better beers to drink than Bud :? . Whenever I cross the border, one of the first stops is at a beer store to get some Alexander Kieths IPA :grin:
The only thing Budwiser would work for is the batter for dipping the walleye in.
I do agree with you on the importance of staying well-hydrated when performing strenuous activities like fishing and cooking :lol:
step 1 catch fish and fillet
second freeze, bag and ready for packaging
third pm for my address, ship and and i'll tell ya how they are :lol: