Stock shape?

"The worst for me are the lever actions, the typical Winchester 94 doesn't fit well"

I have three Winchester M94s. One, my Great-grandfather's gun made in 1911, a 32. Win. Spl. made just before WW2 and a post 64 made around 1980, give or take a year. The two pre-64 guns fit like they wee made and when I shoulder the gunsm the sights are perfectly lined up and the muzzle is pointed at exactly what I was aiming. The post 64 POS on the other hand does not point well at all and my eye is not looking therough the sights at all. I had to put a receiver sight on that one to get a decent sight pictue. Winchester in all their great wisdom changed the angle and drop of the stock by a noticable amount and screwed up a perfectly good gun. The newer style stock seems to kick less than the older version which did have a noticable bit of muzzle flip upward but at least you could get on a deer, running or not quickly, something the newer guns won't.
Paul B.