STW Range results.

jmad_81, great group, nice indeed. My 7mmSTW Savage 116 has been one of my most accurate rifles and cartridge - great shooting.
I need to take a good hard took at my H100 targets and revistit that powder first. I have been wanting to try 7828 for a while, but can't find it locally (a 45 minute drive fixes that). I'll give RL-22 and 7828 a shot after I get the H1000 some reps.

I'm going to order a box of 162 A-max to play with for the range, and I'll keep working with the 160 AB to try to find a LR hunting load.

I'm starting to wonder a few thing about the rifle though. 1. My brass has four or five firings on it, and primers are starting to seat a bit to easy. New brass will be ordered before I try anything else. 2. I'm wondering about the "squarness" of my chamber. When I fire loads that are warm, I get a bit of sticky bolt lift, but my bolt is hard to pull back. Once it breaks free it comes just fine. I'll give these other powders and bullets a try and see what happens.

I didn't get a shot at a bear this weekend, but had a blast shooting my friends 7Mag at rocks out to 1250 yards. I could sit on that rim and shoot rocks all day long! I really want to get this rifle up and runnig good so I can go play in the hills. I think that that type of shooting could make a guy a lot better rifleman in a hurry.

Thanks all for the suggestions.
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This was the cut we were watching. Shots could have been from 300-1300, but mostly under 700. It was just fun to get out and see some new country.
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This is my friends rifle. 7 RM shooting 168 VLDs @ 2995. He had it built by a guy in Pendleton (here locally). My first shot with it was at 850, and I drilled the grey spot on the rock I was aiming at. Next shot was @ 950 and I ended up 1 MOA high. Mad an adjustment, and again, drilled the light spot on the rock I was aiming at. I had a great time!

Nice! A long range paradise for sure.

Sounds like still had a good time jake, can't beat time spent up there...

We need to get up there with our rifles and do some dinking around :) gotta get my 7 mag dialed in real nice before any of that myself.

Those 162 amaxs are heckuva bullet!!! That's what ill be using. My rifle is seeming to like em between 2875-2950 with couple different powders. I need another box of them myself after using most for load work up in the 7 RUM.
jmad_81":gdruitvx said:
I need to take a good hard took at my H100 targets and revistit that powder first. I have been wanting to try 7828 for a while, but can't find it locally (a 45 minute drive fixes that). I'll give RL-22 and 7828 a shot after I get the H1000 some reps.

I'm going to order a box of 162 A-max to play with for the range, and I'll keep working with the 160 AB to try to find a LR hunting load.

I'm starting to wonder a few thing about the rifle though. 1. My brass has four or five firings on it, and primers are starting to seat a bit to easy. New brass will be ordered before I try anything else. 2. I'm wondering about the "squarness" of my chamber. When I fire loads that are warm, I get a bit of sticky bolt lift, but my bolt is hard to pull back. Once it breaks free it comes just fine. I'll give these other powders and bullets a try and see what happens.

I didn't get a shot at a bear this weekend, but had a blast shooting my friends 7Mag at rocks out to 1250 yards. I could sit on that rim and shoot rocks all day long! I really want to get this rifle up and runnig good so I can go play in the hills. I think that that type of shooting could make a guy a lot better rifleman in a hurry.

Thanks all for the suggestions.

Measure the cases just ahead of the belt. They shouldn't be over about .512-.513 (it depends on what your reamer dimension were but most are .512-.513 on belted magnums. With warm loads 4 or 5 firings on 7STW or 8mm Mag brass is about it.

Who did the gunsmithing work?
Ive seen so many reports that re25 gets squirely at near max loads in magnums that it scares the heck out of me. Just like happened to the OP its fine one day and angry the next. If it shoots good at about 55k loads fine and dandy but it appears it is not a good powder on the edge.