T/C Maxi Ball Molds


Oct 27, 2013
I know I should be using the Wanted section
but I thought I would have better luck here.
Looking to buy 2 T/C maxi ball molds #7290 .50
and 7292 .54 . I need the 54 bad.
If anyone is willing to part with them shoot me a
PM, Thanks Skid
Scarce....You aint kidding.
I did get some from Dixie Gun Works while
I am searching, they are a little undersize and load rather easy
however they do shoot well.
I almost forgot how fun is is to shoot the BP again they were
looking neglected in the gun safe. Thanks
I know this post is old, but if Skidmark hasn't found any molds, track of the Wolf sells 54 and 50 maxi balls cast from TC molds. The price is very reasonable and they shoot great!. Let me know if you need info. GLENN
After searching Ebay for months I got a new mold and a set of new TC mold handles
I'm a happy camper. Skid