The greatest Lever gun of all time?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
My vote goes to the Sako Finnwolf! What a gun man!



You might be right! I always liked that rifle.

Soooooooo, what caliber did you get? :mrgreen:

The Finnwolf is indeed a great rifle. I would hate to be without my Model 94s, however. On the other hand, if I encounter a Finnwolf in 308 ("or a Model 88 in 358," said Mike wistfully), I'd grab it. I read that a few Finnwolf rifles were chambered in 358. That would be a find.
That is a pretty Rifle and I'm sure it is all you say. However, my vote goes to the Savage model 99. So many inovations, one of a kind lines, and of course it was chambered in "the calibre" (250-3000 Savage) :grin: OK, c'mon, you expected it.....CL
JD338":3jigyne8 said:
You might be right! I always liked that rifle.

Soooooooo, what caliber did you get? :mrgreen:


I did not yet Jim. I am negotiating a 40 year old Finnwolf in 308 right now.

BTW it has never ever been fired!

The ones in the picture were borrowed from Gunbroker just to show the rifle. A lot of people have never heard of a Finnwolf.

When I was a kid, I used to get the Shooters Bible and Gun Digest catalogs. I remember always drooling over the Sako Finwolf. Back in the early 70's, it had a lot of cool factor going on and looking at those photos it still does. I hope you are able to get it.

I'm gonna have to say the 95 Winchester.
My uncle had one from 1912 or so that was chambered in 30-06.
Wonder where it got to after he passed and who owns it now?
How do you own a rifle like that for 40 years and not shoot it. When I buy a new gun and can't shoot it within a few weeks I feel terible inside. Just have to fire them.

That's a nice rifle, POP, and for sure a serious find in unfired condition, but the greatest lever gun ever is the 94 Winchester. No question!
My vote goes for the winchester 1873 and the henry rifles of the time. Those rifles shaped this great country of ours.... :grin: :grin:
C.Smith":3sydwqez said:
How do you own a rifle like that for 40 years and not shoot it. When I buy a new gun and can't shoot it within a few weeks I feel terible inside. Just have to fire them.


Well, it's a lot easier if you are only home long enough to buy the gun, and then leave immediately. :(
GB300wm":wys3sywc said:
My vote goes for the winchester 1873 and the henry rifles of the time. Those rifles shaped this great country of ours.... :grin: :grin:

Plus, I bet James Stewart never starred in a movie called 'Sako Finnwolf'! :)
BK":3fo5lguh said:
GB300wm":3fo5lguh said:
My vote goes for the winchester 1873 and the henry rifles of the time. Those rifles shaped this great country of ours.... :grin: :grin:

Plus, I bet James Stewart never starred in a movie called 'Sako Finnwolf'! :)

got me there! :mrgreen: