Tikka T3 Mossy oak!

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
Well , the Finn's won me over again!
After some discouraging news on how long it could
Be before the Compass is available in 6.5....
And the fact that there isn't any Ruger Predators around.
Winter is slipping by..........
So I decided to just go ahead and buy what I wanted in the
First place!!!!Lol.
Tikka T3 lite in 6.5x55...... DONE
I was actually very very tempted to buy a Howa 1500 , but
The weight just stoped me cold. 9 lbs scoped seams just
To much for this cowboy!
So we now have a 6.5 to play with!!!! It's been years since I had one so will be fun to get into the saddle again!
I believe you're going to enjoy that rifle, E. Now, let's see some yodel dogs stacked up.
Mike I am having trouble getting them in to the bait
This year.........though We did call one in a while back....
E that is a great looking rifle and I am sure that she will serve you well (y).
I am sure looking forward to your range report with photos :wink:!

The dog looks like it would need an exceptional vet to make it feel better. Glad I don't know any! You didn't mention the round used. Looks effective!

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mjcmichigan":5raqz5qf said:
The dog looks like it would need an exceptional vet to make it feel better. Glad I don't know any! You didn't mention the round used. Looks effective!

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Exceptional! :shock: That dog doesn't need a vet (exceptional or otherwise); that dog would need a miracle worker! :mrgreen: Yup, he's reposed in the arms of Morpheus--permanently. :lol:
A taxidermist would have some difficulty fixing the holes in that pelt; but I'm thinking even the good Dr wouldn't have any luck reviving that patient...even with a little help from above! LOL

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Hahaha, the bullets was some old 110gr hollow points from my 270w....... It really does a big number on them!
I have a T3 in 6.5x55 as well but mine is the stainless/black. It, like my other 10 or so Tikkas, was easy to find a load for. Don't be surprised if you reach for this rifle for other game besides coyotes. I used 100 and 120 BT's for most of my shooting. This was before the 140 BT's existed and for deer and the like I would give them a try as well.

While the 6.5x55 isn't a powerhouse, it kills far above it's weight class since those skinny bullets fly really well and penetrate deeper than most paper ballistics would indicate. Plus, it's low recoil makes it a pleasure to shoot and nearly anyone can shoot one well because of this.

I think you made a fine choice. I'm planning to get a T3 in 260 in the near future.

Thanks Ron,
Here is a couple of "extras" I probably can't live without......lol06110.jpg
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Now we are spending the cash......
Factory stocks are fine for the field, but during the winter months might be nice to dress it up a little! I think this is likely to replace the 25/06 on the leadsled watching our bait pile.
Now for a load that won't drift to much in the wind, and will stay inside a coyote? Vld? RDF?
Ideas anyone? Can't go to light as
I have to deal with 20/30 knot Winds here and bait is exactly 300 yds
To stay inside a coyote, you may need to try a light bullet with a reduced load...but even then???

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I shot some critters, smaller than a coyote, with some Sierra 85 gr years ago out of a 6.5x55 and they were very, um, decisive. I know they would work well on a coyote but think they would be susceptible to wind effects. A 100 gr BT would be better in that regard but there would likely be exit wounds I think, based on what I saw them do to deer.

Ron, wind across this lake kills me for all those smaller bullets........ :evil: Even with my current stuff, two mils is common correction. We had gusts yesterday to 34kts. So what works great for two hundred yard coyotes no wind is hopeless here. If I can get this 6.5 going I am
Going to try moving the bait out to 400 yards where there is a small isle with bushes for cover,
I am pretty sure I could suck more out to the island in daylight!

I am thinking some of these LR bullets like VLDs or possibly
The new RDF match bullets designed more for punching
Paper my have such a thin jacket they could be a possibility?The BiltzKings in the 25/06, I have awesome luck with, only have a. 011 thick jacket but that combined with HV makes
One of the most Devistating loads you ever saw on a 40 lb
Songdog. :? So hoping one of these slippery bullets will do the same from the sweede?
Will likely restock it for winter bench shooting (tactical theme) and try these new super high BC
So need to research that somewhat......some cool stuff out there!622706_orig.jpg6195951_orig.jpg
Finished project,ft-gun.png
Nice gun Earle. Nothing wrong with the 6.5 Swede. You'll like the Tikka. I have two and they both were no problem to develop an accurate load for. Looking forward to hearing how load development goes.
Thanks Bret,
I have a T3 Lite in.270W already and it's a real shooter, So looking forward to customize this new one a little bit and see if it out shoot the.270 ?
It do look good Earl. I almost bought one but the Ruger M77 Hawkeye caught my attention before I could pull the trigger.
Looks great E. very nice rifle.

I'd probably try the 130 Bergers, 123 Hornady ELD, 123 Scenars or maybe the 139 Scenars. Chances are they make exit here and there but they will dump a bunch of them flat and assist with the wind.
I have not shot any of those Scenars bullets Scotty, but they look
Excellent and I will try to pick up some! I am in New territory with a 6.5 and coyotes, so I am sure we will learn As we go, I am betting I need a very light jacket in 140 gr to
Get explosive hits, the darn bullet is going to be slowed down so much by 400 yds, I am guessing pass thrus???(Run offs again............. And I absolutely hate wounding game!

Well those blems came in yesterday from Midway(140gr) and they still do look like Bergers to me??? (Post pic later) They are 140s and long and slippery lookin devils! I will try wacking one with one of those at 300yds, If it works ok, I am going to move my bait back to 400 yds and see if I could get then out in the daytime. Everyone I talk to here in Maine can't believe we are shooting then 300 yds with a light!!! Most everyone here is setup with there bait within 25 yards of the woods, shooting 100/150 yds max. So if I go back to 400 yds, they will really think I am nuts. Obviously the 6.5 is up to it if I can dope the wind correctly!image1.JPG
I wouldn't think you'll have to worry about expansion but if that's the case I'd lay into the Hornadys E. They seem very soft of the ones I've seen. Their older 123 AMax was very fast opening even at sedate speeds.