Tough turkey season


Dec 2, 2010
We are in the 4th of 6 seasons here in WI and still have snow on the ground. In years past I would be going on zero sleep but this year the birds are few and far between, the snow is deep, and the birds walk the other way every time you touch a call. My drive for turkeys is not there this year. I would rather be shooting or fishing this spring. I hope the fire comes back next spring. I did guide a kid to his first bird and shot a jake last week. I have two more weeks left and 2 tags. I hope the snow melts for the last weekend.
It's been very tough here in TN, very tough. The birds have gobbled a little on the roost and the silence, not much sign either. I lucked into 2, 1 jake that when I woke up after a nap was walking up the holler to me and a nice 22lb tom that I had to gobble in. I have been able to work a total of 1 bird this season, the 22lb one I killed and he would not come to hen calls.

Good luck
Well after not feeling good this morning, I slept in and left the house at 9:30. Saw a flock at 10. I was able to get within 100 yards and not get busted. I was able to call in 9 hens, 2 toms and 4 jakes. The jakes were running the show and would not let the toms come in close so I busted a jake at 38 yards. I would have like the big gobbler but this year, the jakes are the ones strutting and gobbling. I have one more tag for next weekend and I plan on hunting back home on the farms I grew up hunting on. I was at the truck by 12:20.
wisconsinteacher":2vsojepv said:
We are in the 4th of 6 seasons here in WI and still have snow on the ground. In years past I would be going on zero sleep but this year the birds are few and far between, the snow is deep, and the birds walk the other way every time you touch a call. My drive for turkeys is not there this year. I would rather be shooting or fishing this spring. I hope the fire comes back next spring. I did guide a kid to his first bird and shot a jake last week. I have two more weeks left and 2 tags. I hope the snow melts for the last weekend.

I gave up four weeks ago. This is the latest spring that I can remember. With all the snow we have had this spring I lost my drive too. Figured I would save myself some $ and a lot of sleep this year and skip the turkey season. I dont think I've heard more than one gobble this spring and I attribute it mainly to the weather. Feels more like March than May to me! Nice job keepin at it and baggin a jake.