Tried VLDs but ... no worky!!!


Jan 14, 2008
I tried the 6MM 105 VLDs in my CDL 243. They recommend 1 in 8" twist. My CDL is 1 in 9.125". Well I could only get as close as .040" and still put them in the magazine. I loaded .120, .080 and .040" with Retumbo and let's just say that the .120 wouldn't keep them on a paper plate at 100 yds. The .040 was better 4 -5 ".

I shot three shots with my load of 95 BT to make sure all was ok and it made a perfect triangle at 1/2" between the centers. I do have some 95gn VLDs coming and I'll try those but I'm not sure why. The 95gn BTs shoot very well right now!

My Sendero 300RUM w/ 200 AB and Retumbo is capable of 3 shots into one ragged hole. I loaded the 210gn VLDs to .0025" off the lands turning this into a single shot gun but trying to be right at the lands. 3 shots were just under 1". I shot two with the 200 AB and they almost touched.

I guess whats NOT BROKE does not need to be fixed. It's a good thing I like the Nosler bullets. They tend to shot well in my guns and have always worked well the intended game.

When we got done, my son and I sighted in his Savage 17HMR and shot up a box from 25yds to 125 yds. Using the bench we were able to consistently hit our targets at 100 and 125yds. What a hoot that was. I'm going to have to get me one.
I think you will be much happier in the end. I really think it'll be hard to top your 300RUM load and that 243 load is one awesome deer load. It is a very solid little bullet and really works well on whitetails. It is always fun to try, but like you said, why bother when you know you are shooting the best there is! Scotty
There are a surprising number of rifles that won't shoot the VLDs. Almost always, I can get such rifles to group AccuBonds quite well.
I tried some Berger VLDs in my M700 243AI with the 1-9.25 twist. Well my Super Black Eagle II shoots a better group. That 243AI just plain didn't shoot the VLDs. I'm not messing with other bullets in my 300RUM Sendero since it likes 200ABs also.
I think with your 95 gr Ballistic Tip, you've got one of the best, most accurate, 6mm hunting bullets available.

The VLD's can be a little picky to shoot - but it's no hocus-pocus - when they shoot, they can shoot real well. It's not like Walt Berger suddenly started making match winning bullets last week.

Regards, Guy
It's no surprise the VLD didn't shoot well in your gun when they recommend a 8 twist and you have a 9 twist. You should be shooting 95VLD's or 105 AMAX's.

How many different loads did you try in your 300RUM? VLD's aren't always easy to get to shoot but quite often when you find what they like they will out shoot other bullets. One attempt at seating depth generally isn't going to work unless you get lucky. I've had better luck with Matrix VLD's then Bergers in all the guns I've tried them in.
Any difference on terminal ballistics with the Matrix vs the Bergers?
I've shot more critters with the Bergers over the years but so far the Matrix bullets appear tougher. Bergers tend to expand much more violently. The one recovered Matrix bullet was tough. You couldn't bend the petals of the expanded bullet with your fingers. The others shot through the lungs of two elk and performed much like a conventional bullet. No massive tissue damage but enough to kill the elk rather quickly. The holes through the lungs were about the size of a golf ball. Exit holes were about 1 1/2" on both.

A buddy of mine shot a antelope with a 190 Berger at about 500yds with a .30-.338 that blew a hole in the antelope big enough for the heart and lungs to fall out of and they did fall out. They also expand enough in a rockchuck to literally blow them in pieces. So I'm not a huge Berger fan for anything bigger than deer although I have a couple thousand in my gun room. I shoot a lot of 105 6mm's in my 6BR and 6mm's for rockchucks and a few .30 cal for chucks as well. I use to shoot quite a few JLK's for chucks too and they were even more violent. If your going to shoot Bergers for big game it's best to use the heaviest bullet in the caliber for best performance.
Thanks for the info buddy. That is good to hear. It would be cool to see some bullet tests ran with the various higher BC'ed hunting bullets. Seems like the Bergers are so hit and miss, but I would imagine the LR guys really are asking for alot of bullet to cover a broad range of use. Scotty

The 105 A-Max should work out for you. This was with 47.3 gr H1000, Nosler brass, Fed 210. Seated right at the lands. Will do this pretty regular. The 95 VLD should work also, but my savage .243 likes the A-Max better. Best I could do with the 95 VLD was .3-.5". Mine is a 1:9.25 as well.
Same here with the 105 Amax. Tried the 105 and 95 VLD with different powders and length but no dice. The Amax was almost to easy. I have some 105 Custom Comps to run through it.


The 105 AMax was used to set a 1,000 yard record in Montana a few years back. It's one heck of a bullet.

Apparently you can shoot pretty well too.

Guy Miner":17l2n8h4 said:
The 105 AMax was used to set a 1,000 yard record in Montana a few years back. It's one heck of a bullet.

I really like that High B.C. red tip bullet! Just need to get it to the 600 range next! I think it would make a great yote killer also.