tungsten causes leukemia?

Yes, and aspartame causes seizures. The lead ban is a "feel good" move by politicians in search of a cause.
DrMike":qqiq3yzw said:
The lead ban is a "feel good" move by politicians in search of a cause.

Oh, I'm pretty sure they found their cause... it's just nonsensical.
dmazur":vr1tko2l said:
Can any one tell what "for sure" doesn't cause cancer?????

No, I don't think anyone can. That's why we wear respirators at work for everything we have any doubts on, including dust. WISHA doesn't require it, but we joked that 5 years from now some clever scientist will find something new in dust to be afraid of, so we may as well exceed the requirements and play it safe.

I can see that people who have to wear respirators for the entire shift wouldn't like this approach, but generally the workplace has engineered air handlers or glove boxes or something so their exposure is eliminated and they can dispense with respirators.

I believe that the concerns about lead are blown out of proportion. There was a minor scandal recently about some state (Minnesota?) that withdrew game from a "feed the hungry" program out of lead concerns. CDC in Atlanta did a follow-up study to confirm/deny this and found out it was bunk, promoted by a local person with ties to an animal-rights group.

With this kind of nonsense going on, it's no wonder a few of us are skeptical when someone announces the latest "it's bad for you" boogeyman.

well acually my friend it was some clown from my home state of ND which is sad to say. The state with nothing to do but farm and hunt haha. it was a doctor from bismarck making a big fuss and our state pheasant club had to toss somthing like 4000 pounds of meat because of alleged contamination. meat that could have went to the needy. But its all resolved now i hope.