Turkey Killin Combo


Jan 20, 2011
Post up your tried and true turkey killin combo. Mine is a Benelli Super Black Eagle with a primos jelly head choke and Hevi Shot 5, 6,& 7 shot Blend 3 1/2 inch mag. This is the pattern at 40 yards!


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Here is mine...
Remington 11-87 Super Mag 12 ga 3.5" magnum with a Pure Gold .670" Turkey Choke and a Red Dot scope.
I am shooting Heavy Shot Mag Blend loads.

Here is a 40 yd target with Mag Blend.

Yeah that Hevi Blend is awesome stuff for sure! I couldn't believe the difference in recoil though. I use to shoot winchester supreme 3 1/2 5 shot and when I pulled the trigger on the hevi shot it felt like I got hit by a car! It's hard on the shoulder when shot from a bench that's for sure. But it puts the slamma jamma down on turkeys!
ScreaminEagle":5u1arapy said:
Yeah that Hevi Blend is awesome stuff. it puts the slamma jamma down on turkeys!

Big Time!

There are a few more and I am sure they will be along shortly.

Count me in for Hevi Shot and turkeys too. I don't have any pattern pictures but I will remedy it soon. I run the Jelly Head and Remington 11-87 Super Mag also. Plus I put the Aimpoint on it too. Very awesome set up.
I don't have a pattern pic but I shoot a Beretta Pintail, Jellyhead choke, and Kent 3" Diamond Shot. The combo seems to work pretty well but I'd like to try some 2 3/4 and 3" #4 hevishot in it. I just need to reload some one evening.
Scott Spencer":17eb2t4t said:
I don't have a pattern pic but I shoot a Beretta Pintail, Jellyhead choke, and Kent 3" Diamond Shot. The combo seems to work pretty well but I'd like to try some 2 3/4 and 3" #4 hevishot in it. I just need to reload some one evening.


Hevi Shot penetration is amazing! When I first started out, I used #4 lead. When I switched over to Hevi Shot, I used #5. Changed to #6 and now Mag Blend.
The shot patterns at 40 yards are impressive to say the least. You will not have a problem killing a Tom at 50-60 yds although I would strongly recommend you pattern your shotgun at those distances.


Hevi Shot also make a blend shell in 3". Berettas and benellies love hevi shot and the jelly head!
Hey Jim -

I love HS! I've hand loaded it for years for duck hunting and have mostly shot 2 3/4" #4 HS loads for my ducks. That stuff is the BOMB! but damn is it high!!!! I use to buy 7 lbs for about $90. I think it is about $150 - $160 now for 7 lbs of it. :shock:

I may have to try some of those MagBlend but that recoils sounds brutal! LOL
It is when you are at a bench leaning into it, but I've found it's better to shoot it while in a tight sitting position so your body can rock back and soak it up.
Recoil is fairly stiff in my 11-87 but nothing too serious. Glad I don't have to shoot 5 shot groups, but it isn't too bad. Here are some pictures of my turkey guns. Scotty


We open next weekend here in TN. I am all patterned up with the 835 and the Hevi13 3.5" 2.25oz #6's.

Here is a pic I painted on the stock:


Pic of a pattern, Carlson's .705 choke + H13 #6's @ 42yds. 171 in 10" circle and 321 in the 20".


I also shoot a .676" Stardot choke, it was only 33 degrees when I shot this pattern, 170 - 10" and 298 - 19"

I just picked up a box of Hevi Shot Mag Blend. Hoping they are worth the ducats as they were about 22 bucks for five of them!

Thanks SE. We will see how it patterns! Scotty
Al in SC":18w6meof said:
Someone told me heavi shot would damage choke tubes. Anyone have any experience with this?
Hevi Shot is safe in turkey chokes, steel shot is not safe.

Thanks JD. Will get the heavi shot before April 12, my first opportunity to chase a beard.
:lol: :mrgreen: