Turkey Killin Combo


Top performance is with a choke restriction in the .665-.670" offerings.
I would also urge you to use Hevi Shot Mag Blend, it patterns very well at 40-50 yds and it hits hard.


Don't know where I've been, but that was the first time I ever heard that song. Man, that could get your blood stirring.


Great music to thin the thickened winter blood.
I had not heard it either. Good tune though. He gets extra points in my book! Scotty
My Turkey killer is my benelli nova With the primos jellyhead turkey choke and 3 1/2 in winchester supremes in 4 shot
Yeah I use to use the undertaker, but switching to the jelly head was well worth it. I wouldn't say it gives a higher pellet count than the undertaker, but it does give a more uniform pattern which is important as a turkey's head is always moving.
just bought a mossy 935 with a .675 carlsons. will edit in pics of it later. it liked the 3"federal#5 though and you can't shoot em thru ported chokes. This summer I'm gonna try the hevishot#6. just can't do the blend #7 kills me. HS says it's there to fill the pattern out to 30yrds. I like 40 yrds as my minimum.
this year it was a rem 870 ( bought from POP awhile back on this site ) with some rem 3.5" nitros and a rem super full turkey choke :wink:
we took 4 toms with it so it must work ,, those 3.5" shells sure will put a whompin on you tho :lol:
my 1992 vintage 835, has a hasteings .675 extended tube, shoots fed. 2.25" prem. 6's very well but is unported so kicks the lard outta grandma's homemade bisquits

my predator rig which pulls double duty during gobbler season, valmet 412 12/223/2.5x8 loopy/Fajen monte carlo trap stock/Bansners turkey-predator choke that mic's .632

my newest addition frenchi 912 does well with the carlsons .665 ported tube and fed. 2,25 oz 6's

RR, good to see you back around! Cool collection of birds and turkey guns! Scotty
Indeed, a great collection of birds and shotguns. You're making me wish I was there so I could tag a turkey or two.

Those are some nice birds and turkey guns.

thanks guys, my puter crashed so now I'm on with a new modern machine and dsl, started hunting spring turkeys in 1974, have killed a bunch but had a learning curve the first 10 years or so.
Looks like some good turkey busters RR. I can't wait, the season comes in here this sat!!!!!!