Two Feet of Snow Overnight!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
21 degrees and still snowing. Overnight we got two feet of fresh powdery snow. That's my Jeep in the driveway.


Mind you, we don't live in the mountains, only about 750' elevation here in Central Washington.

I've been here nearly 30 years and have never seen it snow like this! Wow!

You gonna need a bigger snow blower.
Paul B.
I've been shoveling most of the morning. Youngest son gave me a hand too, after we got his 4x4 Toyota pickup un-stuck.

It's a lot of snow all in one big storm. We had some on the ground, then boom, overnight two more feet! :)

Kinda cool, but a lot of work. Gym workout NOT needed today. :)

Doesn't seem to be all that much snow, Guy.;) Well, maybe just a bit. Yeah, people to the south of us are getting quite a dump this week and cold temperatures to accompany the snow. I don't envy anyone having to shovel snow. I'm getting too old and crippled to do much of that.
3’ at my place and now it starting to rain. Mother Nature is bi polar this year I believe.
We got a foot of snow, Grand Rapids MI got 16". Now we are getting lake effect snow. Yup, good old fashioned snow storm.

Yikes! You can keep it. We got our first 2 inches here along with winter temps and blowing. I'm not a fan of dead of winter, especially when you have to work out in it.
Yep!! just east of you in Idaho, about 18" snow then rain for a day and a half !! What a mess. Been on tractor about 7 hours yesterday and tonight. About half done..... Driveway about 1/3 mile long.
Guy, it’s our fault on the wet side. It had warmed up to almost 50 and was raining like a cow…well, you know the rest. In the 30 years I’ve lived in this state I don’t remember a fall/winter where I have not seen the sun as much as this year.
I've been shoveling most of the morning. Youngest son gave me a hand too, after we got his 4x4 Toyota pickup un-stuck.

It's a lot of snow all in one big storm. We had some on the ground, then boom, overnight two more feet! :)

Kinda cool, but a lot of work. Gym workout NOT needed today. :)

When I read your report I instantly thought you’d be out shoveling snow and forsake the snow blower.

Ha! I don't even own a snow blower! :) And I don't mind the shoveling, someday I might, but not yet.

It's hardly snowed since that big dump three weeks ago, Jan 6th. But the yard, roof, and the curb are still covered. I've got the sidewalks under control of course. Live near a couple of schools and I like to keep the sidewalk clear of snow & ice so the kiddos can walk safely to and from school.

A little frustrating at the gun club though! Can't get to parts of the club, except by snowshoeing! And the berms obscure targets beyond them. I wanted to shoot my 30-30 and 45-70 at 50 yards. But I couldn't see the 50 yard targets from the firing line because of all the snow piled up on the 25 yard berm. It's changing though, for the better. Snow is slowly evaporating and the gun club has had a guy with a snowplow in to help move it around a bit.

Meanwhile, dog and I have been snowshoe hiking every few days. That's been fun! Good workout too.

Ain't it strange, Guy. We've enjoyed temps above freezing for the past ten days of so. And there is no snow in the forecast for at least another week or so. It does create some hardship for me when it does snow, and we had plenty just a short while ago. Then, the warmth came. That melt did bring its own challenge as all the roads and parking lots turned to skating rinks.