VX-6 Troubles

Oldtrader3":zfr1qp5i said:
Jim, I believe that they use a .156 wide ring lug and base mounting cut. They will not work with Picatinny rings? They are not compatible dimensionally with Picatinny?

ok Charlie , I understand you now . I'm not sure on that dimension , I'd have to do some measuring .

I also like the TPS rings . I have a set of them .
Thanks fellas. They look to be solid set ups.
I already ordered the base and rings, they will be arriving this week.

I have the "W" and Picatinny, TPS rings on (5) of my six rifles. I like them because they do not scratch my scopes (straight dimensionally) and they are hell for stout. I started using them on my .340 Bee and they never moved in three years, or about 500 rounds?

The sixth rifle is a Ruger. Jim, I was not being critical, just passing on experience?
Charlie , no problem here . I didn't think that at all , I knew you were not being critical . we were just trading experiences and information . this is how we learn .
Interesting post and replies.

Original Redfield JR/SR has had a few names over the years: Leupold-Standard, Burris-Universal, Weaver-Steel Dovetail, and they do interface...except early Redfield's that had 8-32" Windage screws vs. later 10/32".

There are a few very important steps, one in particular that will/can cause problems with the single Dovetail installation, and it's missed on the Burris, Leupold, Midway websites, and probably every other video on the web. Haven't the time, nor do I want to see all of them.

Redfield published it w/every JR/SR ring set sold, butT the type was sosmall, and the paper folded so many times it was hard to read. ButT who reads 'directalions'?

However, the 338 RUM, it's peers, and "ubers" are beyond the design intent, and the structural ability for that system to continue to hold point. That's not beating up the system, but at that time in history the mini cannons didn't exist. Kind of like race cars and tires.

Any of the other mount systems mentioned are more than capable of hanging onto both rifle & scope. But the good old cross slot/lug is still tops next to gluing and brazing.

Happy Bullet Holes
Received the Leupold Mark 4 15 MOA Picatinny rail and PRW rings.
Do you fellas use 6-48 or 8-40 screws for the hard recoiling rifles?
The base was shipped with both but would require drilling and tapping the holes for the 8-40 screw.
The 6-48 torque spec is 22 in lb and the 8-40 is 28 in lb.

JD, I have always just used the 6-48 screws except on my 7mm Mag where the threads were poorly tapped and pulled out. I opened that rifle's mount screws up to 8-40.
6-48 & 8-40 were specifically and exclusively created for the firearms industry.
VX6 isn't heavy, nor highly mounted, so 6-48 is more than enough.

700's have had, still do some trouble areas to check:
1. Hole edges often are cratered (raised), so the base won't fully bottom out. If so, take a twist drill 1/4"-3/8", and using your fingers spin the bit to radius the edge.

2. Rear which is machined down, later hand buffed at the factory...often are not square or true to spec.
Check after doing #1 above by laying base on, run #1 screw down till snug (not tight). Observe base bottom to receiver fit both F & R using a strong light w/a beam looking for voids, and escaping light.

Then do #2 screw, and tighten it. Observe the rear as per above.

If any voids, or escaping light...something is off, and more often then not it's the 700, butT check the mount also.

Solution is to bridge or bed the mount, but only really needed where the problem is.

Your choice of PRW rings is great, they designed by Jack Warne for Leupold, and still made by Warne. Just make sure to push the ring forward in the slot until it stops, then start to tighten from the bottom up. Just like making a building.

Happy Bullet Holes!
I'd go ahead and fix it up for 8-40 on a big magnum....

Not that the smaller screws won't hold your scope.... but it's a small price to pay for peace of mind.
Hi JD338, just curious if you are going to post some pics of your new mounting system?
Forgot to add this tip not in the Leupold instructions on installing 70/30 style ring caps.

Eliminate scratching the scope by using a string, shoe lace, etc. and loop thru the ring screw holes, pulling outward will flex the cap enough to slip it over the tube w/out scratching it, or damaging the ring cap edges.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads!
Guns & Glass":3e9or0qv said:
Forgot to add this tip not in the Leupold instructions on installing 70/30 style ring caps.

Eliminate scratching the scope by using a string, shoe lace, etc. and loop thru the ring screw holes, pulling outward will flex the cap enough to slip it over the tube w/out scratching it, or damaging the ring cap edges.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads!

Excellent tip! One of those things we should all have figured out, and somehow neglected.
Guns & Glass":2n1m0e4m said:
Forgot to add this tip not in the Leupold instructions on installing 70/30 style ring caps.

Eliminate scratching the scope by using a string, shoe lace, etc. and loop thru the ring screw holes, pulling outward will flex the cap enough to slip it over the tube w/out scratching it, or damaging the ring cap edges.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads!

Thanks for the tip. Good to know.

Waiting on the Fire Dot Wind Plex reticle. Hope to have it next week.

Looking forward to what you think of it Jim. Their #4 in the VX6 isn't worth the money. Their Windplex seems like a well designed reticle.
I got my scope back and mounted up in the Mark 4 15 MOA rail and PRW rings.
Its a pretty solid mounting system. The Windplex reticle looks great! I got a quick zero at 100 yds.
The scope is tracking like it should. Heading out to the range tomorrow to get an absolute zero at 200 yds
and will verify at 300 and 400 yds. My buddy at the farm call me to tell me that they have crop damage tags.
We are heading there Saturday to see how the VX-6 will do on some deer.
