Want vs Need


May 12, 2005
How many of you will purchase a rifle just out of a desire to have it(want) when you don't really have a need for it?

For instance, I already have a 338WM, but would love to get a 338RUM. Really don't have a need for it, but I would just like to have one.

Please, I'm not looking for caliber/rifle comparison responses. I already know the capabilities of both, hence the reason for not NEEDING a 338RUM. I am just curious if you have purchased just solely on a desire to have.
All my life got what I wanted not always what I needed. Now that I am older and only doing some hunts I make sure I have what I need. No time or left over money to do anything else. To busy wanting to set up hunts and going.
I have had "all I need" years ago.

Since then it has been want, not need!
Well, Rich, I know what you're talkin' about. Didn't NEED a 375 RUM, but it sure shoots nice. Runnin' 260 AB and 300PT out of it. Both are very accurate. But, then, I NEEDED something bigger! So now I'm putting together loads for my new .416 Rigby. The saleman asked what I planned to hunt with it. I told him hummingbirds, on the wing...
Absolutely. "Need" and "Want" sometimes become confused in my mind, especially concerning guns, women and pick up trucks. Its a weakness I'm working on in my spare time....
A little clarification, Do I need a 338RUM..... No, my 338WM (225AB) and 300RUM (200AB) are more than be enough for any NA big game.

Need & want in regards to trucks is easy, absolutely need one.

As for guns, I have what I need. It's all about the want now.

Women, well .......... I'll leave that one alone.
old #7":1vanthm0 said:
I need every gun that I want.
That sums it up for me.
......................................That also sums it up for me too!......But, I will also add this!............ "I also want every gun that I need"!!!........................I am in the minority, but I will not buy a gun just to have it. I`ll buy it because there is a legitimate need for it!..........No need=no buy!
Most of my "need list" is also on the "ban list". I feel that it is a necessity to purchase those as soon as possible before the chance is gone. Hunting rifles and shotguns will be around for a long time to come. But an Ar-15, AK-47, 50bmg, MP-5, Mac 10 and so on are on the endangered species list.
The want side is usually ..... A Browning Citori grade 6 instead of a Rem 870.
Richracer1":pt0swy6l said:
A little clarification, Do I need a 338RUM..... No, my 338WM (225AB) and 300RUM (200AB) are more than be enough for any NA big game.

Need & want in regards to trucks is easy, absolutely need one.

As for guns, I have what I need. It's all about the want now.

Women, well .......... I'll leave that one alone.

The 338 RUM is one awesome round with tremendous power. You NEED to see it to believe it.

As for women, I live with 3 of them.
I do not WANT or NEED any more. :shock:

I don't really need any more guns my wife will agree but I'm sure their will be a new gun I just can't live with out. JD338 I feel kind of sorry for you with that many women in one house. :lol:
JD338":n82zjm94 said:
As for women, I live with 3 of them.
I do not WANT or NEED any more. :shock:


I live with three as well, JD, but at least I have my son around to help balance the scale, and stink the place up with testosterone.
Sure, I buy guns that I like but don't really need.

Guns are the kind of thing where you can get something nice that does not cost all that much, or take up that much room.

I was in the gunshop a couple of weeks ago and I saw the Mannlicher shown below. Its chambered in 358 Win. Now I already have 3 .358s however how could you pass this one up?

POP said it best.....would have a lot more $ in the bank if I'd stoped years ago. I do however NEED a 270wsm... it's all about teaching the numerical system to my son.... the 270 fits right between the .260 & .280 in the safe.

JD :shock: It's a good thing that the ONE I live with and I have different schedules... it's the only thing that keeps us sane. :grin:
I had all the rifles I NEEDED before I left home. .22 long rifle, 22-250, .270 Winchester, and a shotgun. With that combination, and some good reloading, I can hunt anything in North American. But what's the fun in that? I have a few more then that now....Ok, a lot more. I can tell my self I want a 6.8 SPC, and and Armalite 338 Federal, because they will be nice for my left handed daughter to shoot, but everyone in this forum knows the real reason. It's because I want them. And as an adult with discretionary income, that's the only reason I need.
Bills paid? Retirement funded? Wife's happy? Go buy yourself the gun.

Sounds like more of a need than a want. :wink:

Antelope_Sniper":3591k6hw said:
Oh, I forgot to mention. My left handed daughter is 3 years old. :lol:

Perfect! :wink:

I had a 338wm and it didn't knock the elk down fast enough once it got a full head of steam (adrenalin) up and I tracked it for a day+. The 338 RUM has eliminated that problem. But to answer the question, If I can justify the need by adding a dose of "want" and a bit of "can I afford it" I'l l end up getting it. If buyers remorse sets in too bad I just sell the rifle it's replacing. And then I have seller's remorse! Hmm. Better buy another one I need to make me feel better :grin:
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:

Life's short, don't go out with a whimper :lol: