Wanted .243 Winchester loads


You might want to consider IMR4350. 41.0 grs and 100gr bullets should make you a happy shooter.


For IMR4064, my 15" Encore barrel liked 35.1 grs best. It did not like the IMR4831 at all!!!!! You could even say it gagged and spit it out :lol:

I found the IMR4350 powder to be so-so in my gun. It liked a charge of about 41.0 grs the best, but groups were nothing to write home about.

Of the over 120 various load recipes/combinations I've tried in my 243, the very best group I got was with (believe it or not) IMR7828. !!! With 44.4 grs of this powder it shot a .65" 5-shot group @ 100 yds (with a 'best 4' group of .20") The S.D. was under 7, and the extreme velocity spread was 14 fps.

The slightly "overbored" case of the 243 seems to like the slow burning powders the best. Having said that, I have to usually use a medium burning powder because of the short barrel. Why it shoots the IMR7828 so well is a mystery to me.

I don't know if this helps or muddies the water, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it :wink:

In 100 grain pellets my Ruger Tang Safety .243 likes IMR 4350, in 70 grain pellets it like IMR 4064
My .243 Winchester likes 45.0 grains H4831 with bullets 85-100 gr. My jug is the old long cut and gets trickled by weight.

Hot load. Work up in your gun.

Steve 8)
I agree with JD338-----go with 41.0grs of IMR 4350 and a 100 grainer. I have seen this load work very well in several 243's.