Weatherbys 6.5-300


Nov 17, 2005
Anyone have any first hand experience with the 6.5-300 why? It has my interest as a LR antelope/deer rifle. 140s at 3400 fps is no slouch. You can get them in the vanguard synthetic for like $500. Cheap rifle I know, but it should still shoot MOA, or slightly better with some good handloads. I have one of these rifles in a 240 WBY that is a .5-.75 MOA rifle and think it would go great with it. The 240 WBY is a coyote rifle.
Sure do! Mine shoots .4" with the factory 127 LRX at 3530 and a little over 1/2" with my load. Same velocity with 87 gr of RL33
I too have thought about one of the fast 6.5's for antelope, mule deer & coyotes... :)

Talk about flat shooting! Wow! :shock:

I have a accumark that shoots 140 vlds at 3250 FPS. Tried driving faster but group opened up. Also drives 156 vlds 3019 FPS. All inside a inch at 100. 140s are being pushed by 87 gr. Us 869, 156 75 hrs. Retumbo.
It is a laser/death ray. Unlike Fotis, I've had a little more trouble finding loads but it was worth it. I tried RL33 but did better with US869. The 127 LRX seems to be designed to reach way out there with the 6.5-300.
I have a markv ultra light that is bedded and free floated, it shoots 140g accubonds at 3400fps with US869 3/4 inch groups.
The 240 WBY is a coyote rifle.[/quote]

Don't tell my buddy that! He has shot many bull elk and shot/long distance ( well, over 400yds) mule deer and antelope with his .240WBY and Hornady 100 SBT! ha

I think trying the 6.5/300 out first in a Vanguard is the way to go. Unless one is a bonafide, dial turning, wind doping, laser range finder kind of Long Range Shooter..."then" you sort of have to go with Premium equipment....or its more fun, I don't know! ha My furthest shot on antelope or anything else is 375yds. I do count one unlucky cottontail at 405! :) I'm waiting on my 240W S2 Vanguard to be delivered right now!! :)