What bullet for hogs?



Which is the best bullet for hogs? Using a 270. Considered Partition, scirocco & Barns. What do you recommned? I need to get a box of bullets and do some reloading. Thanks.

Good evening... what do you mean .270? I was hopeful you'd have the .260 back and in the hunt now.....??

My $.02, I'd look at the 130gr AccuBond out of the .270. I'm starting to doubt if there is a stronger bullet out there.
the 130 gr PT is a great bullet in the 270 Win. With proper shot placement, it
kills elk. You will have no worries using it on pigs.

My 270 has brought down 8 big game animals in the last 2 years with the 140Accubond at ranges of 8-10 yards to 410 yards & I recovered on bullet. I know it is MORE than enough bullet.
There are 140 accubonds on the shootersproshop.com site for 16.70. They are seconds and most likely just have the wrong tip, lot cheaper tho. Also availible from Bivwak.com. There both 1st's and 2nd's availible on both sites and shipping is pretty quick usually within a week or 10 days. Shipping is 14.80 for any amount or weight from the pro shop and $10 for any amount on bivwak.com. It's a little harder to time the auctions, but the prices are a little better than the pro shop. They are the same shop, but cannot mix orders. Either one is a GREAT option, shipping is cheap and prices rock.
Any of the 130, 140, or 150gn bullets are more than adequate for hogs. I use 130ET (CA Required) and 140ABs in my 270WSM.
Someone listed a bullet for pigs but...... I said HOGS! My son shot one with a ballistic tip about 6 inches behind the shoulder..... carried it to the scales with a 300 pound capacity to wight it .... the scales topped out before the front legs and head cleared the ground. They estimated the wight to be 340 to 375. This critter had a tough armor plate on the front shoulders. Don't believe a ballistic tip would punch through the armor plate before shattering to pieces although that is what he was shooting but he shot it on the run at 250 to 300 yards and was luck enough to hit it (6 to 8 inches behind the shoulders. He said he would rather be lucky than good any day). He was hunting deer at the time.
The armor plate on hogs is pretty tough. I thought a PT or AB would do the job but wanted to ask those who hunt hogs and have experience with the different bullets.

Powerstroke .... maybe one day the 260 will come through. I still have hopes. Thanks
Having killed over 100 hogs here in SC I can tell you any well placed shot with just about any bullet will do the job. I use whatever bullet I happen to have in the rifle. I have killed them in the 300LB class on more than one occassion. Last one this year was taken with a standard cup/core bullet. They are not armor plated.Rick.
Rick, I realize "armor plate" may be a term a bit too strong to describe the thick front shoulder area but it sure as heck is not ordinary skin and it certainly reminds you of armor plate. Thanks for the info and I hope to get over to visit along the way.
The only two pigs I've ever killed hunting were shot in the head. Waited for a quartering away shot and placed each bullet behind the close side ear. Both pigs dropped at the shot and never moved. Both shots were less than 50 yards from a blind.
I've shot a 200 pound boar with the 115gr. Partition (.25-06) at about 100 yards. The bullet hit the ham and ended up on the sternum. The second shot hit behind the shoulder and I recovered the bullet under the hide in the off shoulder.

Just recently I shot 275+- pound boar with the 180gr E-Tip (.300 Win Mag) at about 80+- yards. Shooting down at him facing away, I hit him in the back third and shattered 3-4 vertibrea (never penetrated the spine) traveled up and around the shoulder under the hide. The bullet travelled at least 12 inches through the actual shield and then entered the shoulder. I found it about an inch deep in the shoulder (if that makes since). A second shot hit next to the first and I found it in the hogs throat. I think I calculated at least 22 inches of penetration from both bullets.

I've shot other hogs but only those two with Noslers. If i had a choice (which I don't because I am in California) I'd go with the Accubonds, Super accurate and very tough, but not too tough.
Many 140 ballistic tips from 7mm08s have laid pigs I mean hogs to rest in Georgia when I lived there prior to the AccuBond bullet ever imagined. 7mm08 and 270 ballistics are very close, so again I say any bullet for your 270 should work fine, more specifically in 130-150 grain range. To remove all question, shoot a Partition.

Many Georgia boys light em up over bait at night and shoot as many as they can with their AR's before they all scatter. So, I think you're 270 will be ok.
Although I do not use a 270, I have killed dozens of hogs using 30 cal SST`s. I also understand that Sierra`s 165 gr. HPBT 30 cal hunting bullets are supreme hog stoppers. Does Sierra make them for the 270?
260fan":3vtcnk2m said:
Someone listed a bullet for pigs but...... I said HOGS! My son shot one with a ballistic tip about 6 inches behind the shoulder..... carried it to the scales with a 300 pound capacity to wight it .... the scales topped out before the front legs and head cleared the ground. They estimated the wight to be 340 to 375.

260 fan,

The message I was trying to get across was that the 130 gr PT from a 270 Win is used every year by elk hunters. Elk are big and tough animals that live in some pretty rough country. Put the bullet where it needs to go and they will die. If it will work on a 600-700 lb bull elk, it will also work on a 300-375 lb pig/hog.

I have shot 3 pigs myself, 2 with a250 gr PT from my 44 Mag and 1 with a T/C Contender 309 JDJ with a 150 gr X bullet. All were shot through the shoulders and all were pass through.

Thanks for the input. Some good data to go on. I knew Noslers' PT and AB would do the job but questioned the suitablility of the BT. Was searching for some experiences and favorites of those who hunt hogs and got some good info. This board is an excellent forum for exchange of info and ideas. Thanks for all the responses. Will probably go with the 130 or 140 grain PT.
Partitions come in the 130gr and 150gr flavors, 140 is reserved for the BT/AB's.
140ab is personally my favorite for everything from mice to moose. I'm also sure the 130gr PT could bring home alot of bacon.