What primer for 300WSM and RL17?


Sep 17, 2009
What primers have y'all had the best results with in this combination? I have all except the Russian stuff.

I'm looking for good velocity with low ES (aren't we all).

I just started this combo today with fairly decent results.

On an unrelated note, what would be the cause for two grouping? ( ex. - two shots touching and one out in no certain order)

Thanks in advance.

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Because of the shorter powder column, a large rifle primer is sufficient for complete ignition in the WSM cartridges. People do use large rifle magnum primers, but adjusting for pressure, velocities are essentially identical in the final analysis. A good rule of thumb for hand loading is to use the coolest primer (lowest brisance) that gives full ignition for the greatest accuracy.
I've used BR-2s in the past with good results. I recently re-barreled my rifle with a Brux and have experimented with different primer-load combos with interesting findings. Some hotter with certain charges and not so with others, with no rhyme or reason that I could pinpoint. I'm taking lots of notes and learning daily.

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And that is the way to do it. BR2s have worked well for me with a variety of loads in the WSM cartridges. I use a fair amount of F210, F210M, CCI200 and BR2 in my various loads. WLR primers tend to demonstrate quite a bit of brisance (almost as much as R9.5M). While they work, it is always a good move to adjust to allow for the increased pressure.
I use magnum rifle primers in mine. I hunt a lot in temps below 0F, supposedly makes a difference.

CCI250s and Federals
...RL-17 was designed for the short mag cartridges, w/ a very 'fast' pressure profile, a hot (magnum) primer helps ensure complete ignition, most data is based on WLRM, CCI250, Fed 215, etc., so I tend to stick w/ the 'magnum' primers...
I've got 215Ms and CCI-250s loaded and ready to try. Just have to get on the bench, probably this afternoon.

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I would have to agree with Hodgeman. A lot of my hunting is done in colder temperatures and for that reason I use Fed 215M. With a 180 grain bullet and 64 grains of RL17 I get 3030FPS and 1 1/2 inch groups at 200 yards so that combo works well for me. I've had two experiences with incomplete ignition in cold weather so I tend to go on the warmer side with primers.
I did forget to include bullet in op, I'm using the 180AB. The first shot yesterday over chrono was 3003 fps at 63 gr. with 210m primers. The second two didn't register. Had two touching and one out.

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I've had exceptional results with RL17 in 2 separate .300WSMs.

I think it is the "go to" powder for the short mags. I load 180s at 2950 but could get quite a bit higher and I load 150s at 3300 and change. Both loads are well under Alliant book max. I haven't found RL17 to be temperature sensitive, but a magnum primer doesn't hurt.
Shot both the CCIs and WLRMs today and the WLRMs did way better. 4 shots at 100 came in at
.550" ctc. It was still a little warm in mine, even at 62.5 gr. I'm going to back down some and play with seating depth.

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The load is certainly looking good. Are you certain the load is warm? Were there pressure signs? The ES (and conversely, the SD) is great. That will take down about anything you'll ever encounter in North America. Good work.
I have a really tight chamber, and with some of the brass, I had marks on the case head. Not ejector marks imprinted, just shiny where the bolt turned on case head. Other than that, not bad. This is also twice fired brass that very possibly had some marks before this firing.
I would be inclined to try some unfired as that charge is well below the alliant listed load. But a tight chamber defiantly could be a limiting factor and you cant complain about that accuracy with a big bullet in the WSM. I have always found that the my 300 WSMs like full cases(99-100% fill) and magnum primers(WLRM) regardless of powder. Though I have used other powders I always go back to 760.
There is certainly nothing wrong with that load at all- good accuracy. I'd agree with 26, I'd try some new brass with that load and see what happens.

I've found a 180gr AB at 2900+ to be 100% effective on everything I've shot at.
Your loads are very consistent with I see in my 300WSM.I have to load it well below published max.In fact,180gr load data usually is about max for mine using 165gr bullets.The reason,my rifle has no freebore.I can get high velocity with less powder,but I have to be real careful with my seating depth and start low and work my way up.I tried R-17 with 165gr bullets,I quit at 66.0grs.I got 3228fps.The book max was 68grs.,showing it @3217fps.I never revisited R-17 with this rifle,my notes showed to try 63.0-64.0grs for better accuracy.Your load @ 62.5grs with 180gr bullet,would be spot on in my rifle too.Win760 has been my go to powder lately,but once again,I'm usually about 2-3grs below book max.I just watch my pressure signs and keep my chronograph handy when I'm working up loads with this rifle.Just goes to show you,every rifle is different.
That is a good reminder that each rifle is a system unto itself. We are given data from standards that were pressure tested (or not), but we are responsible to prove that a load is safe in our own firing system.
I'm using Federal and CCI mag primers in mine. I'm usually hunting in cold weather whenever I get the chance to hunt with a rifle.