What Should I Do??


Dec 24, 2008

I have done everything to this rifle to make it shoot without results! It groups around 3 inches on most loads, some are worse! Gunsmith says the barrel looks good and should shoot, but has it back again. If I re-barrel what would you suggest--long range deer and elk rifle. It is now a 300 Wby. I tried all the normal loads for this gun--180's 200's 165's--7828,rl-25, 4831's, retumbo.[/img]
Wow thats hard to swallow maybe you should give me the rifle :lol: just kidding what have you done to the rifle to help accracy most 300 bees like 7828 and RL 22 but we need more info on the rifle
The action is bedded and the barrel free floated, that didn't help. Next I installed a pressure point at the end of the barrel and that sucked. I had another 300 wby and tried everything that worked on it, plus all the new podwes and bullets. Yep IMR 7828, rl-22, the list goes on!
i have a 300 win mag vangard that was exactly the same. so i had the barrel cut and recrowned. it now will shoot 180gr Etips, R22, CCI 250 primers. under 2" at 300yds. seated as long as i can to fit magazine. I also restocked to a carbalite. but i doubt you will need to do anything else to your stock.
Possible scope problems? Rings and bases tight? Have you tried varying enough, your charges, bullets and seating depths?

What was that rifle before it became a 300 Wby? I can`t tell what brand it is now. What action and barrel?
Looks like a win model 70.

How far is long range to you??

A 7 RM or 300 Win will kill elk to 800 yards easily, and deer to 1K with the right bullets.

If you really want or need to shoot further then that, then the 300 RUM is pretty tough to beat, as well as the 338 RUM or 338 EDGE.
I'd check all the base/ring screws and another scope. (nikon, leupold, or bushnell on the high end line).
It is hard to believe that it is a problem with the barrel. Ergo, simply changing the barrel (even with rechambering) would not necessarily correct the problem. I'd certainly want to eliminate the possibility of scope, base/ring, etc.
It may be the scope, it's a 3-12x44 Burris Signature Select that was new not long ago just for this gun. I had a couple Leupolds on it first with different Leupold mounts. I bought new Leupold mounts just for this setup. I have a 300 WM in a 700 Remington that shoots pretty good and that's what I have used instead of this for 3 seasons just because I couldn't make the wby shoot. It does seem like it's getting worse instead of better though so maybe the Burris is junk?
One way to find out if it`s the scope. If possible, mount it on another rifle of equivelant recoil that is shooting very well and see what happens.
I have a brand new 4200 Elite in the gun cabinet, may give it a try. Anyone know if a 300 ultra would fit the model 70 Express action? I had a 340 Wby and couldn't take the recoil, but the 300 Ultra doesn't seem to kick as bad as the wby! By the way this gun was bought from the factory as a 300 Wby and has never shot for beans. I've got a buddy that also bought one just like it and it would never shoot for him either, so he just put it up and shoots a Browning 300 WSM. My gun's at the gunsmith now and he talked about a recrown so maybe?? I've never had a gun get me down like this one, just gotta make it shoot!
This is rather strange,
the 300 weatherby is an acurate round by reputation.
But I have had similer problems for sure.
The recrown is not an expensive move and well worth trying.
Dont feel to bad, I bought a pre-64 featherweight 270 and I put close to 2000 into it before I finaly tore it down and sold it foe parts , trading the action for a checkering job.
I'm just going to throw this out because you said it's getting worse...any chance you've got a lot of copper buildup? How do you clean the bore? I know from experience that the 'bees can lay down some serious copper in bores that are slightly rough. Maybe you're a cleaning freak like some of the rest of us, but I've seen a lot of 'clean' guns give me navy blue patches when I went to cleaning them. Copper would give you awful groups and worsen over time.

I also think the scope could be the problem. And having it recrowned would be wise, just for good measure.
Dubyam brings up a really good point.
Did you buy the gun new, or used?
How many rounds down the tube?
Did it ever shoot well?
Is this something new, or has it always kind of scattered things?
I saw your powder list, what bullets are you loading?
dubyam":363ufou9 said:
I'm just going to throw this out because you said it's getting worse...any chance you've got a lot of copper buildup? How do you clean the bore? I know from experience that the 'bees can lay down some serious copper in bores that are slightly rough. Maybe you're a cleaning freak like some of the rest of us, but I've seen a lot of 'clean' guns give me navy blue patches when I went to cleaning them. Copper would give you awful groups and worsen over time.

I also think the scope could be the problem. And having it recrowned would be wise, just for good measure.

I have cleaned it clear to the barest metal and it didn't shoot, so I figured it needed a few down the snout after cleaning--- that didn't work either. Thinking back, it always has shot bad, but is way worse now. I had a couple different Leupolds on it when it shot the best, put a new Sightron SII on and I thought the scope went away after 10 shots. It has been a pig since,but I never put a Leopold back on, went to the Burris. Maybe the burris is a PIG?
I have had rifles like that before.In the end I always sell them and move on.
If you've got a known good scope you could try, that's the first thing. That and the recrown job for just a few dollars. After that, if it still doesn't shoot, then it is a gun to make into something else (though knowing I had brass and dies on hand, I'd probably just rebarrel it with a nice Krieger tube in 300Wby again).
It's a 300 Wthby, have you had the chamber cast and checked to make sure it's got the correct amount of freebore for the caliber when compared to Wthby "standard"?

That poor bullet might be getting a big running start before hiting the rifleing and not always engaging the same each time for good shot to shot consistency.