What would you try next .338WM

Looks like a pretty clean job? I would almost bet that this lug bedding is not your issue with accuracy. Put a piece on 1/4 inch wide cardboard thick enough to center the barrel, under the forend tip and shoot the rifle to see if that improves your groups. Don't glue it or anything permanent, just use enough to put a little pressure on the tip of the stock and try it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
The bedding is smooth and clean. The action screw holes also have been drilled out and have a piece of aluminum in them for strength. Would you try the cardboard with the same loads I just shot or would you try some new loads first?
One thing I would highly advise on and that is to torque the action screws to the factory setting of 35 inch pounds (I looked this up), DO NOT GUESS what you think 35 inch lbs is use a torque wrench. The correct torque on the screws can/will make a huge difference.

I'm no Winchester expert so maybe Scotty or some one can correct me if I'm wrong but once the action is in the stock and torqued down the mag box (if it has one) should move about slightly but freely, no binding.

Being it looks as if someone had already bedded the rifle who knows if they ever properly torqued the screws, might have been your issue all along.

Case in point. I was being lazy one day after pulling my stock and did a little (precision guess work) at the torque of the action screws when I reassembled. Well the next trip out with my very accurate rifle shot like chit ( it was as messed up as a soup sandwich ). Thought about it on the way home and decided to re-torque the action screws with my inch lb torque wrench. Went back to the range and the gun was back to it's normal very accurate self.

Also if you have not done so I had great luck with H4831 and 250 NP bullets seated at mag box length just short enough to feed correctly, shot great in my browning.

My all time favorite load for the 210 Partition in the .338 WM was 71.0 grains of IMR 4350, Fed 215 primer, W-W cases at about 2850 fps with excellent accuracy. I have never used the RL 19 or 22 series powders. This is a load which has been accurate in all three of my .338 Win Mags.
WT, those pictures look like there are pillars bedded into the stock. It is a little hard to tell, but I would almost bet money that your bedding is good to go. Also, if there are pillars in there, Bill hit the nail on the head, torque them down to 55-60 inch pounds and give it a go. I would think the rifle will shoot. The only other thing I would think might be wonky is your scope. I am sure the mounts are good to go as you said they are new, but the scope might not be handling the recoil of the 338 very well. 338's will eat scopes that may not have issues on other rifles..

Charlie had a great clue to, it might want a little forend pressure, but I would look to your scope first. With the bedding in that rifle, with pillars if that is what I am seeing, I think you have a SOLID shooting platform. If a different scope doesn't clear it up, I would put a little pressure with cardboard like Charlie mentioned, or a thin rubber washer in there. Same deal really.. Good luck, hope you figure it out. I think you are mighty close though. That bedding looks pretty good.
Scotty is correct. If the bedding has pillars torque the screws to 55-60 inch pounds. If not 35 inch lbs is enough.

I definitely think that stock appears to be pillar/glass bedded. And it looks like a good job. I can't speak for the rear action screw, as the pictures don't show it, but if it's like the front, you're all good. Torque it up to 55-60in-lbs (not ft-lbs!!!) and start again at the loading bench. I'll reiterate that I think you should consider some flat-based bullets. And I'll also advise that you could likely start with this excerpt from John Barsness' "Handloads That Work" and be close to the finish line:

.338 WINCHESTER MAGNUM: With lighter bullets I’ve recently started using RL-15 with excellent results. Combining a 200 grainer with 65.0 grains gets right around 3,000 fps, superb accuracy, flat trajectory and light recoil – at least for this cartridge. With 220- to 230-grain bullets 75.0 grains of H-4381 or RL-22 gets around 2,800 fps. With 250s, H-4831 is king with up to 72.0 grainsgetting around 2,700 in 24-inch barrels.

You can source that entire article here:

http://www.loaddata.com/articles/PDF/Ha ... 20Work.pdf

I think you'll find the magic bullet (pun intended) with a little more work. Good luck with the chase.
I made up some loads for the .338 yesterday.

71.5gr H4350 with 200gr AB
69.0gr H4350 with 210gr PT
73.0gr RL19 with 210gr PT
74.5gr RL19 with 215gr GK

I need to get a torque screwdriver to put the rifle back together. I hope to shoot Friday after teaching hunter's safety.