Whelen owners motto?

..well Danny boy....your .35 rockingchair Will kill game all over the world. Just
don't tell which caliber you are using...they may not die intirely inflicted by the bullet. The laughter may however take the last breath anyway :mrgreen:
Rigbymauser":unmj3oag said:
..well Danny boy....your .35 rockingchair Will kill game all over the world. Just
don't tell which caliber you are using...they may not die intirely inflicted by the bullet. The laughter may however take the last breath anyway :mrgreen:

WHOA... I call foul... :twisted:
SJB358":1t5dx74v said:
Rigbymauser":1t5dx74v said:
..well Danny boy....your .35 rockingchair Will kill game all over the world. Just
don't tell which caliber you are using...they may not die intirely inflicted by the bullet. The laughter may however take the last breath anyway :mrgreen:

WHOA... I call foul... :twisted:

SJB358":18c10x3z said:
Rigbymauser":18c10x3z said:
WHOA... I call foul... :twisted:


RED FLAG!!! Your outta the game! HA! :lol:[/quote]

I'm with you, Scotty. I'm good with all the good natured hacking on each other, but that picture is out of line. Uncalled for, even. I have to go spray lysol in my eyes...
I'm blinded! Blinded, I say. I question whether Lysol will be strong enough!
Hmmm...grain alcohol...I know just how to apply that to my retina...
Funny how everyone thats' not in the Whelen club suddenly wants to be somebody. "OH...OH...we can form a (fill in your non-relavent cartridge) Club and make believe we have something cool going on like all those Whelen owners!!" "We could have meetings and...and...and take minutes and...and...and have snacks!!! Yes! Snacks too!!!" :roll:

CatskillCrawler":30wnf976 said:
Funny how everyone thats' not in the Whelen club suddenly wants to be somebody. "OH...OH...we can form a (fill in your non-relavent cartridge) Club and make believe we have something cool going on like all those Whelen owners!!" "We could have meetings and...and...and take minutes and...and...and have snacks!!! Yes! Snacks too!!!" :roll:


Man, you stole the words right outta my mouth! HA! Great one buddy!
There's no 270Wby club. We're too busy trying to save the rest of the shooting public from a life of eternal damnation. It's not too late to discover the error of your ways and find salvation...
dubyam":2el3niej said:
There's no 270Wby club. We're too busy trying to save the rest of the shooting public from a life of eternal damnation. It's not too late to discover the error of your ways and find salvation...

That's cause the 270 Winchester Short Magnum Club stole the Wby's lunch money and scuffed up their white shoes, while they sent them home pouting to their Mom's... :twisted:
DrMike":2rfvpez1 said:
Charlie and Dave,

Yes, I have a 9.3X64 Brenneke which I enjoy very much. I should add, for the sake of this thread, that I also have a 35 Whelen, which I also enjoy. Actually, I don't believe I have a rifle that I don't enjoy. :mrgreen:

I almost went with the 64 Mike, just brass at the time was hard for me to find at the time. The Norma 74R was readily available at the time, so I went with it on this build. Also, loaded to it's potential it does what I need of it. This is the only rifle I presently run more than one, other than the Marlin .45-70. ( that may change with the advent of the ABLR however)
I'm getting 2600 fps with the 250 AB and a PBR on a 5" nearly 250 yds, which leaves me roughly 2100fps and 2500 ft/lbs 8" low at 300, and 15" low at 350 with 2000/2300 left. This suits me fine for a modest long range Elk rifle. And with 2500fps/286 PT, has a 3.5" PBR of 200 yds. Of which for what I would use for (always hoping for a brown bear hunt some day), I wouldn't shoot beyond that anyhow. It's running just shy of 2200 fps and 3000 lbs at the 200 yd mark.
I can only imagine what a 300 gr. ABLR would do in either 9.3 ( :wink: hint to Nolser :) ). Those above loads are in Norma brass. Supposedly Hornady's brass is stronger, I haven't loaded any as of yet, but will be interesting to see if there's any difference in a safe upper loads. I want to get some Nosler brass in here to try as well.
But then a 275 gr. ABLR or in the Whelen would be cool too. If those weights in either, will work in the standard twist?

Other than that, I also don't have anything against the Bee's or those that use them as well. It's all about personal choice, and what the user feels comfortable with using.
For me it's not so much what is being used as long as it is capable, even though there are some that wouldn't be my first choice. It's the bullets terminal peformance, and at what ranges one wants to limit themselves to, imo.

Maybe of interest, or to keep the musings going :lol:
Here's good ol Elmer holding one of his favorites, a .338-74R Keith Ruger #1, and liked the Speer 275 gr, running at or near 2600 fps, iirc.

I also remember a writing of him using the Whelen on Brown Bear once, stating, "It did ok".
But he also stated, he prefered a min. ft/lbs of, 1500 for deer, 2000 for elk/moose, and 2500 for brown bear. However, those that know Elmer was more into larger caliber, heavy for caliber at modest velocity. Also feeling the 7mmRM was nothing more than for good yotes. Elmer was Elmer :lol:

And I once read Roy W. liked speed for range, and really had less to do with energy, but rather shock as I understand/iirc, believing 2200fps was minimum for terminal velocity, performed better for shock regardless of caliber, so long as it was capable of the game intended. I do believe the .340 was his favorite Elk chmabering as well, iirc.

The too, O'Conner felt the .30-06 was more than needed for Elk, as the .270 was more than capable. I'm not a .270 fan, but won't argue that. As I said, it's personal choice, however me, I would limit range somewhat.
SJB358":3dja5959 said:
dubyam":3dja5959 said:
There's no 270Wby club. We're too busy trying to save the rest of the shooting public from a life of eternal damnation. It's not too late to discover the error of your ways and find salvation...

That's cause the 270 Winchester Short Magnum Club stole the Wby's lunch money and scuffed up their white shoes, while they sent them home pouting to their Mom's... :twisted:

Untruths spoken in jealousy are not becoming, Scotty. As it is, I saw one of those WimpySlowMags the other day, struggling to stand up when my 270Wby and I passed by. My 'bee reminded me it's not nice to stare at those who deal with deformities or other issues, so we politely said hello and kept on our way. The poor WSM smiled as best he could while trying to hide his embarrassment, but we could see his copper jacket turning green with envy. I hear gunsmithing has made major advancements in being able rectify these kinds of deficiencies through some pretty advanced reconstructive surgeries. If you have a WSM perhaps we can arrange a visit to a qualified gunsmith therapist...
onesonek":3vmw52z8 said:
I almost went with the 64 Mike, just brass at the time was hard for me to find at the time.

Brass can be hard to find, but it is available. I note that Quality Cartridge is now making 9.3X64 Brenneke brass. I have no doubt that with the frontal area presented, the 74R launching, as it does, big pieces of lead at modest speeds will work quite well on game.

onesonek":3vmw52z8 said:
Other than that, I also don't have anything against the Bee's or those that use them as well. It's all about personal choice, and what the user feels comfortable with using.
For me it's not so much what is being used as long as it is capable, even though there are some that wouldn't be my first choice. It's the bullets terminal peformance, and at what ranges one wants to limit themselves to, imo.

It is why we have chocolate and vanilla. :grin:
I will definitely get dinged for this post, as being very un lady like --

Aleena, as you know already we have the 416, 458, and two 45/70 s so we do like and use the "big bores"

But I say let those little whelen s have there club, motto, jingle, sandwiches, wheelchairs, pictures of Obama, and whatever else they need to make them feel good

I just want to go to Tahiti (-; A, Paul, Jim. Charlie, Sean, --can we have a stop over in Hawaii on our way and see Russ ?

And just for the record, my desire to have big bores does not mean I am trying to compensate for anything. I was born with nothing
Aaaaaaaaaand, I think I'm done. Not sure I can top that. Funny stuff, Cheyenne! Funny stuff!