Which open tipped bullet do you have experience with taking game....

Are you saying the Barnes performed badly in accuracy or terminal performance?

On your 120 and your 100gr bullets I wonder if the Bob isn't quite fast enough for it if you're talking terminal performance.
Accuracy...maybe more the same.
I remember the old fail safe bullets and they liked to be pushed hard fit accuracy.
I realize that most load data for the 257 Robt. is usually on the mild side but I use a chronograph to work up my top velocity loads so most loads with those bullets were shot at higher than published velocities. Nothing worked from the starting load to well over publish maximums. Results with the 7x57 were pretty much the same.
Rifle chambered to the Robt. were a Winchester M70 FWT and a Ruger #1B. For the 7x7, a Ruger #1A, Winchester M70 FWT and a custom Mauser.
Paul B.