Who here loads for the 25-284 and the 6mm-284?


Sep 15, 2005
I am going to be running heavy for caliber bullets for both of these specialty pistols.
Both are single-shots: 6-284 is a center-grip with a 15.9" barrel and the 25-284 is a rear-grip with a 15" barrel
6.5-284 Lapua brass that will be necked down appropriately for each cartridge.

Will be running the 105 A-Max in the 6-284 and 130 class bullets (131, 133, and 135) in the 25-284.

What powders worked for you?
Have a 1in10 twist 25-284 so can't use longer bullets. but the denser powders enable better velocities. R17 is favorite now. Maybe Winchester StaBall series?
H-4350 and H-4831SC will likely be my two primary powders
I don't have those calibers, but 6.5 Creedmoor loves H4350. Good luck on your endeavor in loading developments for those pistols. Would you show us a sneak peek of those pistols? 25-284 is new to me, its a nice round, something new always comes around the corner.
Are you using the AMax for competitions or strictly hunting critters? I wonder if they do very well in competitions, because if they do, then I'll try them, and Berger has become expensive nowadays.

I have an order of 500 bullets from Vapor Trails for the 6 BR on its way, need to try them out. Have you tried or heard anything good on these bullets? Sorry to hijack your thread with other questions and going off topic.
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I don't have those calibers, but 6.5 Creedmoor loves H4350. Good luck on your endeavor in loading developments for those pistols. Would you show us a sneak peek of those pistols? 25-284 is new to me, its a nice round, something new always comes around the corner.
Are you using the AMax for competitions or strictly hunting critters? I wonder if they do very well in competitions, because if they do, then I'll try them, and Berger has become expensive nowadays.

I have an order of 500 bullets from Vapor Trails for the 6 BR on its way, need to try them out. Have you tried or heard anything good on these bullets? Sorry to hijack your thread with other questions and going off topic.
I consider Tom Jacobs a friend. I hope he makes it to WY-SHOT this year.
I would choose his 103 grain or the 105 Hybrid over the A-Max for 600/1000 BR or F-Open shooting.
I am using the 105 A-Max in my center-grip XP-100 (6mm-284) for playing on steel for practice, deer and antelope hunting, and an occasional coyote and prairie dog.
Ernie, I don't have the cartridges you asked about but I have a load for my 25 creed using Staball 6.5 and 100 grain bullets that are shooting under 1/2 MOA to 500 yards with charges thrown with an RCBS Uniflow. With the burn rate it might be worth looking into for the cartridges you are looking at too.
Ernie, I don't have the cartridges you asked about but I have a load for my 25 creed using Staball 6.5 and 100 grain bullets that are shooting under 1/2 MOA to 500 yards with charges thrown with an RCBS Uniflow. With the burn rate it might be worth looking into for the cartridges you are looking at too.
I have some Staball...I will add that to my possible powders
RL-17 works well in my 25 Creed which is close to 25-284.
I have Superformance on the shelf to try in my Creeds yet. That might work also for you.
Long ago I would hang around the benchrest shooting crowd and gather barrels that were "shot out" for next to nothing. Stolle Panda tenons are the same thread pitch as Winchester M70, but slightly longer. While a 1/14 twist in a 20" barrel is out of balance for the 6mm-284, it was a laser with 70 gr. NBTs. Of course back them powder, primers, bullets were cheap, so who cared about practicality.
RL-17 works well in my 25 Creed which is close to 25-284.
I have Superformance on the shelf to try in my Creeds yet. That might work also for you.
RL 17 has a good record for getting better MV's compared to some other powders out there.
I am starting with H-4831sc for my 6-284 with the 105's.
I used it for my first 6-284 with the old 115 DTAC's...That old barrel (Broughton) shot awesome!!!