Why do I sooooo want this?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Not necessarily in this caliber but I do want one !!! Comes in 264 300 7mm rem mag 270 30-06. I either got the calibers or just like them (7mm bee 300 bee 6.5 bee etc)
It comes in 243 and 308 but these are non players

Beautiful rifle. The seller isn't that far away from me. Tell you what I'll do for ya. You buy it and I'll pick it up and break it in for you and then ship it to you when I'm done. :)o)
All jokes aside if I wanted one that would be the one to buy.
I love those super grades. There’s not many that are that nice that can approach that price range.

I have yet to begin to procrastinate
Fotis - you want it because it's an absolutely awesome rifle.

Same reason I'd like it.

Now if it was available in 375 H&H........
I just called yesterday about sending a Rem in for rebore to 375 Raptor, it still won’t look that good!

I have yet to begin to procrastinate
Because that is a really beautiful rifle! Some day I want to have a rifle (pea shooter, sling shot, or boomerang) made out of pretty Maple like that. Preferabbly a restocked, Ruger RSI in 250-3000 Savage (y) :shock: :lol: CL
Yup! I've looked at this particular iteration for some time. Reckon I'll be forced to scratch that itch one of these days.
Maybe a 300 Win...to go with my 300 bee 30-06 308 30-30 300 H&H and 30-378 LOL
Because it is a beautiful rifle and you don't have one! LOL
Hate to be another enabler...oh hell...Just DO IT! LOL

A maple stocked RSI in 250-3000...that would be a beautiful little rifle!!!
DO IT!!!
BLKRM- Wouldn't it though....??? :) All I need is the money, the rifle, and the Maple. :wink: Couple years ago I saw a Maple stock at my local Cabelas...from across the store. Turned out to be a new Winchester mod 70 in 264. Don't recall for sure but I think the tag was close to $2000. Made that decision easy. I made the sales guy hold it. I was afraid too, and afraid I wouldn't let go... CL

EDIT- Goodness!!! I just went back and looked at Fotis' original post. I was so taken by the Maple that I didn't even realize IT WAS THE SAME (cal/brand) RIFLE!!! :shock: :lol: Yup- I still like it.... I'm hopeless. CL
Beautiful rifle, Model 70 on the controlled round feed action, beautiful stock design and flow, great calibers. What's not to like!
Beautiful wood and stock shape - design. Controlled round feed Model 70. Excellent caliber choices. I don't see any bad coming from this! Just do it!