Winchester M70's new chamberings


Dec 24, 2006
Jeeze, I was just checking out the Winchester site, seems they have released the 264WM in a number of rifles... Man, first the 25-06, then the 7WSM and now the 264WM... They are bringing it back to us a little at a time. Way to go BIG RED! ... mid=535108

Oh, and here is the new M70 Alaskan... 300WM, 338WM and 30-06! Man.... I hate my life!

You knew they would be coming out with the good stuff. Next year, it will be ...

35 Whelen!
Oh man, that 25-06 looks pretty nice, 24" barrel too.


A 35 Whelen offering would be the cats meow. You might want to wait another year.

Yep, I WILL have a .264 Sporter. The others, I'm a little more up in the air about. I kinda like the Alaskan .338 (plus, I don't have a .338 yet).

A little harder to justify:
.25-06 Sporter (have a Remington Classic already)
7WSM EW (already have two 7 Wizzums)
JD338":1dey7whr said:
Oh man, that 25-06 looks pretty nice, 24" barrel too.


A 35 Whelen offering would be the cats meow. You might want to wait another year.


Jim, I know we talked about that the other day, and man, you have gotta go handle a 25-06 Sporter. They are very nice.. I saw a Featherweight recently and almost didn't concern myself with the 22" barrel. I have a 264 for the really heavy lifting.

Your right, I think I may hold back on the reins a little, maybe just a little? Who knows...

Mike, if they do the Whelen next year, I will make a camp outside their gates! I believe my head would explode!
BK":ojraljr8 said:
Yep, I WILL have a .264 Sporter. The others, I'm a little more up in the air about. I kinda like the Alaskan .338 (plus, I don't have a .338 yet).

A little harder to justify:
.25-06 Sporter (have a Remington Classic already)
7WSM EW (already have two 7 Wizzums)

Kurt, is that 338 Alaskan not a peach? Man, what a piece of history. I can't wait to see a few of them on the racks.
Yes it is, Gunny. The entry price looks to be just a touch rich, but I'll find a way to do it. Maybe sell off a couple of Remingtons? Nah, that'll never happen.

Damn, this is shaping up to be a minimum three M70 year!
BK":2vhgv86c said:
Yes it is, Gunny. The entry price looks to be just a touch rich, but I'll find a way to do it. Maybe sell off a couple of Remingtons? Nah, that'll never happen.

Damn, this is shaping up to be a minimum three M70 year!

I like where your heads at Kurt! I will work that green out of you yet!

I have to say, a factory built Whelen would have me scrambling right now. I am not holding my breath for it though. I do know Winchester does release a few chamberings mid year as well. Could be a good year for Big Red fans.
SJB358":3n3ytxs8 said:
I will work that green out you yet!

If by green you mean Big Green, AKA Remington, it ain't gonna happen. However, if you mean green as in money, just stay out of my way! :)
BK":3pmb3lcd said:
SJB358":3pmb3lcd said:
I will work that green out you yet!

If by green you mean Big Green, AKA Remington, it ain't gonna happen. However, if you mean green as in money, just stay out of my way! :)

I meant Remington, but I know your going to make it rain on some lucky gun store before too long!
SJB358":z9qxx7cj said:
BK":z9qxx7cj said:
Yes it is, Gunny. The entry price looks to be just a touch rich, but I'll find a way to do it. Maybe sell off a couple of Remingtons? Nah, that'll never happen.

Damn, this is shaping up to be a minimum three M70 year!

I like where your heads at Kurt! I will work that green out of you yet!

I have to say, a factory built Whelen would have me scrambling right now. I am not holding my breath for it though. I do know Winchester does release a few chamberings mid year as well. Could be a good year for Big Red fans.


Might be a good idea to start sending Winchester Emails requesting the 35 Whelen. :wink:

I believe I just saw my tax return flash before my eyes! I have always wanted a .264WM but that .338 alaskan is speaking to me :shock: How will I ever decide??? :( :( :(
bbearhntr":411wg15b said:
I believe I just saw my tax return flash before my eyes! I have always wanted a .264WM but that .338 alaskan is speaking to me :shock: How will I ever decide??? :( :( :(

I have no idea on how I would decide. They are both sweet rifles. Talk about a pair of rifles that would do everything in style. A 264 for light stuff and the 338 for everything else. A smart guy could do wonderful with those two, forever! Good luck in whatever you decide.
bbearhntr":vk7d64bl said:
I believe I just saw my tax return flash before my eyes! I have always wanted a .264WM but that .338 alaskan is speaking to me :shock: How will I ever decide??? :( :( :(

If by "decide" do you mean which one you will get first? :)

Easy. I've been lusting for a .264 for a long, long time.

Although I imagine Winchester will help me decide by releasing one before the other is released.

The JO'C rifle will throw a huge monkey wrench into the works if it's released first, though.
I like to see gun companies are starting to step outside of the box. Between the .264 Winchester and Kimber stepping up big with the 35 whelen, it's a good time to be in the market for a gun. I wonder if remington will counter with?
BK":27srhgr3 said:
bbearhntr":27srhgr3 said:
I believe I just saw my tax return flash before my eyes! I have always wanted a .264WM but that .338 alaskan is speaking to me :shock: How will I ever decide??? :( :( :(

If by "decide" do you mean which one you will get first? :)

Now there is a NOVEL idea :idea: :!: You are a very wise man my friend. Now could you help me devise a plan to sneek them into the house past the wife???
nvbroncrider":3m6jkqi6 said:
Does Winchester sell actions to brownells or anyone like Remington?

No clue. That would be nice for a guy just wanting to build though. Instead of having to buy a complete rifle.
btoeps74":3kilpqlh said:
I like to see gun companies are starting to step outside of the box. Between the .264 Winchester and Kimber stepping up big with the 35 whelen, it's a good time to be in the market for a gun. I wonder if remington will counter with?

If I were Remington I would just add some quality again. Not saying that as a smart butt, but if they put some work into their bedding and finishes they would be a great rifle. I like their CDL and BDL line alot but I won't get burned twice.