Wow. Mid terms look good.

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Heading for bed now, but dang, the mid-terms look good.

Only thing I don't like is that it looks like gun-control initiative 594 is passing easily here in Washington.

Bloomberg used Washington as a test bed. He CAN and DID out-spend the NRA and... It looks like he won. Dad-gum NY Democrat...

I can only hope that I-591 passes along with it! Bloomberg needs to learn some humility! At least it appears that we will have a Republican Senate and a larger majority of Republicans in the House.

This may be the saving grace of the country. We are at a crossroad of Socialist Politics in this country. Maybe this election will start a pullback from the brink of Liberal insanity?
Senate races and gubernatorial races appear to be moving in a solid direction toward Republican majorities. The House map shows a solid red American heartland with dark blue coasts. Sorry about I-594; it can only mean trouble for WA.
There are two many liberal nutcases west of the Cascades, I knew the to gun referendums were doomed from the get go. Distressing to say the least.
Crap! I am too old to worry about this nonsense with gun registration. This stupid law is so poorly written they can call it anything. Just wait and see what lunacy the Libs weave out of this pile of straw!
Good thing I don't live in Washington as I am quickly developing the attitude that I will not follow laws I disagree with.

The country has spoken against Obama and liberalism. It is up to the Republicans to not squander this victory like they have in the past.


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Sad to say it seems my lousy Congressrat incumbent wo again. Both Congressrats are Hispanic and have the Hispanic vote just because they represent La Raza and not the American people. :x
Paul B.
This may be the salvation for our country. I don't know what tricks Obama has up his sleeve but he surely doesn't not have a prayer in Congress. He can take that evil tempered bitch Moochella with him to hell or wherever he is going.
Really sad to see the Mile High City kept the worthless Governor once again as his actions on Gun Control are stupid at best! What a shame for the people of Colorado !
Colorado will stay on my boycott list.
I refuse to hunt or spend money there due to the recent idiotic laws on guns.

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Yikes is it man. I594 is totally a violation of the 2nd amendent. I-502,recreatinal pot, is a violation of federal law. Both Inititives are citizen sponsored and passed by the voters mostly in seattle and surrounding counties. Niether inititive got scrutiny of our elected officials as the state constitution allows inititives to be voted on even if they vilolate federal law or the US constitution. However the repubs now control the senate in Wa.state so stay tuned for change . Both parties are sick and tired of crap shoved down our throat by the liberal left and out of state big money. Our elected officials need to go fix the state constitution to allow a review of any inititive to ensure it does not violate federal law or the constitution. Otherwise Bloomberg and Bill gates will continue to be the Wa. state legislature. My senator from my district says change is in the works. I,m hoping that is so .