Wyoming considers tag price hikes


May 4, 2011

Check it out for yourselves. I’m getting so tired of hunting turning into a “Rich, Elites only” club. Hiking the prices by 300-400 percent is nothing other than exclusion.

Check it out for yourselves. I’m getting so tired of hunting turning into a “Rich, Elites only” club. Hiking the prices by 300-400 percent is nothing other than exclusion.
One of the issues we have in Wyoming is that Game and Fish is funded strictly from tag sales, both resident and non-resident. There are a handful of new legislators with the 2024 election that have zero idea that they( general fund) do not fund G&F. Maybe this changes, but currently, they are underfunded. They also have an entire Biology arm and a conservation arm that is funded not by the state. I am by no means supporting that level of increase as I am a little pissed at the lack of resident tags over the years. I tried for three years to get a youth antelope tag for my boy in an area that roughly 800 tags were issued annually. Never happened and he has lost some interest by not being able to be in the field.

Some of these ideas never make it out of committee but one never knows. If I hear anything, I will be certain to post it.
Also, from taking a look at the bill, it looks as though they are targeting application fees only.
Residents currently pay $5 for limited quota applications and non-residents pay $15. This used to be free.
The bill is looking to raise the application fee to $20 for residents and $75 for non- residents.

Accordingly to the article I read, one of the proponents of this is Josh Coursey, President and Chief Executive of Muley Fanatics.
Since all non-resident tags are draw tags, except leftover over the counter but they will still probably add the fee, it is effectively a tag price increase.
Again, hunting is becoming way too expensive for regular folks. I don’t care what the reasons may be for raising prices, the reality is, it becomes increasingly more expensive to hunt for an increasingly worst experience on public land.

I just hate seeing this all go to heck.
Since all non-resident tags are draw tags, except leftover over the counter but they will still probably add the fee, it is effectively a tag price increase.
I am by no means discounting the impact and completely agree with you; it is a tag increase, and even the majority of the resident tags have become draw tags. There are over 100 units for antelope (all draw), a 130 for elk and over 100 for deer. A small percentage of units are general hunt units but it's like the Wild West in some of those units, as the tags are not limited.
Additionally, if a hunter manages to gain access to private land, the landowner gets a carcass coupon and is reimbursed from Game and Fish based on species. This of course doesn't include any access fee the landowner may request from a sportsman. There is an idea here that if you lease land from BLM for cattle or sheep or anything, it becomes your land, not the publics. I cannot tell you how many locked gates I've come across on BLM out in the prairie. It gets harder every year to gain public access.
Pretty much priced me out as a non resident. Not blaming or saying its wrong either. If as has been ststed the Wyo GFP is not supported outside tag fees then I guess thats the reality. Residents who pay the taxes should get priority. CL
I have said it before I truly feel my generation will likely be the last generation to enjoy hunting as it is getting to Stupid Pricing for Tags to Game Departments not Managing the resources correctly.

I do not see a future for hunting IMHO.
I would certainly hope not as I represent a younger generation but I have yet to have the opportunity to hunt due to major life events. I sincerly hope there will continue to be hunting opportunities for the average person for years to come.
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