7mm-08 Quick load data


Sep 27, 2010
Wife finally gave me the OK to order the rifle I've been wanting for a long time now. Model 70 Featherweight in 7mm-08 (y) They have a 22" barrel and I'm mainly interested in shooting 120gr bullets. 120gr Barnes TTSX would be my choice for hunting in my lead free state. If someone could run this through Quickload so I could get an idea of the best powders to use, that would be awesome! I've read that Varget, CFE 223 and various others are favorites. I'm just interested in seeing some data. Thanks---Phil
Cartridge          : 7 mm-08 Rem.
Bullet             : .284, 120, Barnes 'TTSX'BT 30298
Useable Case Capaci: 47.971 grain H2O = 3.115 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 2.800 inch = 71.12 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder             : Hodgdon CFE223

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 1.069% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-10.7   85    41.80   2748    2012   42624   8797     95.4    1.157
-09.6   86    42.30   2780    2059   44094   8904     95.8    1.140
-08.6   87    42.81   2812    2107   45618   9008     96.3    1.124
-07.5   88    43.31   2844    2155   47183   9108     96.7    1.108
-06.4   89    43.81   2876    2204   48841   9205     97.1    1.092
-05.3   90    44.31   2908    2253   50546   9298     97.5    1.077
-04.3   91    44.81   2940    2303   52318   9387     97.8    1.061  ! Near Maximum !
-03.2   92    45.31   2972    2354   54158   9473     98.1    1.045  ! Near Maximum !
-02.1   93    45.81   3004    2404   56068   9554     98.4    1.029  ! Near Maximum !
-01.1   94    46.31   3036    2456   58058   9630     98.7    1.013  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0   95    46.81   3068    2508   60125   9703     99.0    0.997  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+01.1   96    47.31   3100    2560   62273   9771     99.2    0.982  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+02.1   97    47.81   3131    2613   64513   9834     99.4    0.967  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+03.2   98    48.31   3163    2666   66844   9892     99.5    0.952  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.3   99    48.81   3195    2720   69265   9946     99.7    0.938  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+05.3  100    49.31   3226    2774   71799   9994     99.8    0.923  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 5% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 5% relative to nominal value:
+Ba     95    46.81   3141    2629   66178   9599     99.9    0.959  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 5% relative to nominal value:
-Ba     95    46.81   2982    2369   54413   9673     96.9    1.040  ! Near Maximum !

Cartridge          : 7 mm-08 Rem.
Bullet             : .284, 120, Barnes 'TTSX'BT 30298
Useable Case Capaci: 47.971 grain H2O = 3.115 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 2.800 inch = 71.12 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder             : Hodgdon VARGET

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 1.17% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-11.7   88    37.77   2589    1786   39010   7874     92.5    1.200
-10.5   89    38.27   2621    1830   40371   7993     93.0    1.184
-09.4   91    38.78   2653    1876   41774   8110     93.5    1.169
-08.2   92    39.28   2685    1921   43221   8224     94.1    1.153
-07.0   93    39.78   2717    1967   44712   8337     94.6    1.138
-05.9   94    40.28   2749    2014   46250   8446     95.0    1.123
-04.7   95    40.78   2781    2061   47841   8553     95.5    1.108
-03.5   96    41.28   2814    2109   49490   8658     95.9    1.093
-02.3   98    41.78   2846    2158   51199   8759     96.3    1.079  ! Near Maximum !
-01.2   99    42.28   2878    2206   52972   8858     96.7    1.064  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  100    42.78   2910    2256   54810   8953     97.1    1.047  ! Near Maximum !
+01.2  101    43.28   2942    2306   56717   9045     97.5    1.030  ! Near Maximum !
+02.3  102    43.78   2974    2356   58696   9133     97.8    1.014  ! Near Maximum !
+03.5  104    44.28   3006    2407   60749   9218     98.1    0.999  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.7  105    44.78   3038    2459   62880   9300     98.4    0.984  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+05.9  106    45.28   3069    2510   65093   9377     98.6    0.969  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 5% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 5% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    100    42.78   2979    2365   59353   8985     98.9    1.010  ! Near Maximum !
Data for burning rate decreased by 5% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    100    42.78   2831    2135   50325   8824     94.5    1.085

Cartridge          : 7 mm-08 Rem.
Bullet             : .284, 120, Barnes 'TTSX'BT 30298
Useable Case Capaci: 47.971 grain H2O = 3.115 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 2.800 inch = 71.12 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm

Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders.
Matching Maximum Pressure: 60000 psi, or 413 MPa
or a maximum loading ratio or filling of 110 %
These calculations refer to your specified settings in QuickLOAD 'Cartridge Dimensions' window.
C A U T I O N : any load listed can result in a powder charge that falls below minimum suggested
loads or exceeds maximum suggested loads as presented in current handloading manuals. Understand
that all of the listed powders can be unsuitable for the given combination of cartridge, bullet
and gun. Actual load order can vary, depending upon lot-to-lot powder and component variations.

2 loads produced a Loading Ratio below user-defined minimum of 85%. These powders have been skipped.
Powder type          Filling/Loading Ratio  Charge    Charge   Vel. Prop.Burnt P max  P muzz  B_Time
                                      %     Grains    Gramm   fps     %       psi     psi    ms
---------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
ReloadSwiss RS 60                  107.2     49.7     3.22    3155    99.7    60001   10574   0.980  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Elcho 17                           106.4     49.4     3.20    3137    99.1    60001   10435   0.983  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Alliant Reloder-17                 106.4     49.4     3.20    3137    99.1    60001   10435   0.983  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ReloadSwiss RS 52                  101.5     46.3     3.00    3081    99.7    60001    9671   1.000  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ReloadSwiss RS 62                  110.0     51.0     3.30    3081    96.9    58360   10246   1.007  ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 511                107.8     50.8     3.29    3077    95.4    60001   10213   0.993  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Vihtavuori N550                    107.9     48.8     3.16    3075    97.2    60001   10123   1.003  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon H414                       105.4     49.3     3.19    3070    94.4    60001   10136   0.996  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Winchester 760                     105.4     49.3     3.19    3070    94.4    60001   10136   0.996  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
SNPE Vectan SP 11                  103.9     47.4     3.07    3068    98.6    60001    9779   0.997  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon CFE223                      95.0     46.8     3.03    3066    99.0    60001    9699   0.998  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Ramshot Big Game                   100.6     47.4     3.07    3061    98.5    60001    9677   0.998  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 4350                      110.0     48.6     3.15    3055    97.2    58512    9986   1.019  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4895                           100.0     44.2     2.87    3054    98.7    60001    9712   1.009  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Winchester 748                      92.9     44.2     2.86    3046    99.8    60001    9256   1.003  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
IMR 3031                           100.8     41.7     2.70    3046   100.0    60001    8790   1.006  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon BL-C2                       95.3     46.0     2.98    3044    99.4    60001    9527   1.011  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Norma URP                          110.0     48.1     3.12    3042    97.0    57642    9936   1.014  ! Near Maximum !
Norma 203B                         101.3     44.8     2.90    3042    98.7    60001    9589   1.011  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP19 ~approximation         110.0     48.1     3.12    3041    97.0    57587    9930   1.015  ! Near Maximum !
Norma 203 old                      103.0     46.0     2.98    3041    99.3    60001    9520   1.018  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP3                         103.0     46.0     2.98    3041    99.3    60001    9520   1.018  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Raufoss RA11                       100.8     44.6     2.89    3040    98.2    60001    9615   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP11 ~approximation         100.8     44.6     2.89    3040    98.2    60001    9615   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Alliant Reloder-15                 100.8     44.6     2.89    3040    98.2    60001    9615   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Ramshot Hunter                     110.0     50.2     3.25    3034    94.8    57422   10074   1.013  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R903                      105.3     46.1     2.98    3032    99.1    60001    9426   1.019  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon H4895                       97.1     42.9     2.78    3027    99.0    60001    9395   1.012  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
IMR 4320                           102.7     44.7     2.90    3025    98.5    60001    9274   0.995  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Ramshot Wild Boar                   95.5     45.1     2.92    3024    98.6    60001    9408   1.007  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 4064                      102.9     44.5     2.88    3023   100.0    60001    8996   1.039  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Somchem S355                       105.1     45.5     2.95    3022    99.0    60001    9393   1.017  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ADI AR 2206H                        97.4     43.1     2.79    3021    98.6    60001    9399   1.012  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Lovex D073.6                        97.7     44.5     2.89    3020   100.0    60001    9006   1.022  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 2520                       95.5     44.5     2.89    3020   100.0    60001    9006   1.022  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon H380                       102.0     46.1     2.99    3018    96.9    60001    9575   1.014  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Norma 204                          109.5     50.0     3.24    3016    91.4    60001    9772   0.996  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
SNPE Vectan SP 9                    98.1     44.8     2.90    3013    98.6    60001    9309   1.008  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
PB Clermont PCL 507                 94.5     43.6     2.83    3010    99.4    60001    9136   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
PB Clermont PCL 516                 98.2     46.2     3.00    3008    96.9    60001    9436   1.008  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 2495                       96.8     41.9     2.71    3008   100.0    60001    8625   1.044  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Somchem S321                        92.7     44.1     2.86    3008    99.5    60001    9158   1.016  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Lovex S070                         109.8     48.0     3.11    3002    94.6    60001    9588   1.017  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Lovex S062                         101.7     43.8     2.84    3002    99.5    60001    9072   1.020  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Vihtavuori N530                     93.6     41.6     2.70    3002    99.5    60001    9027   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Elcho TR140 - preliminary data     101.4     46.3     3.00    3001    97.0    60001    9329   1.012  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Alliant AR-Comp                     95.8     41.0     2.66    3001   100.0    60001    8109   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP11 TZ ~approximation       95.3     41.0     2.66    3001   100.0    60001    8110   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon H335                        88.4     42.6     2.76    3001   100.0    60001    8765   1.011  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Norma 202                           97.9     42.6     2.76    2998   100.0    60001    8752   1.016  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Vihtavuori N540                    100.2     44.8     2.90    2998   100.0    60001    8881   1.014  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
SNPE Vectan SP 10                   88.0     41.6     2.69    2997   100.0    60001    8736   1.013  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
PB Clermont PCL 508 (PCL223)        87.9     41.6     2.70    2996   100.0    60001    8723   1.013  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Somchem S341                        96.3     45.8     2.97    2996    98.5    60001    9070   1.009  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ADI AR 2219                         88.0     40.2     2.60    2995   100.0    60001    8498   1.007  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon H322                        93.6     40.2     2.60    2995   100.0    60001    8498   1.007  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ADI AR 2208                        102.7     44.1     2.86    2994    98.0    60001    9188   1.005  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon VARGET                     103.1     44.1     2.86    2994    98.0    60001    9188   1.005  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
IMR 8208 XBR                        95.7     42.3     2.74    2992    99.4    60001    8932   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP4 NT ~approximation       110.0     49.4     3.20    2992    93.5    58435    9602   1.015  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S365                       110.0     48.4     3.13    2991    98.9    51552    9848   1.057  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4064                           103.9     43.4     2.81    2989    98.2    60001    9057   1.009  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Norma 201                           98.5     42.6     2.76    2988    99.4    60001    9012   1.025  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Nitrochemie A/S 0300                85.2     38.7     2.50    2987   100.0    60001    8194   1.014  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ReloadSwiss RS 40                   91.7     41.3     2.68    2986    99.9    60001    8740   1.011  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Lovex S065                         108.3     46.9     3.04    2986    96.0    60001    9351   1.019  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP7 NT ~approximation       103.3     46.1     2.99    2986    94.7    60001    9228   0.995  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
SNPE Vectan SP 7                    96.1     45.6     2.95    2986    96.8    60001    9223   1.019  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ReloadSwiss RS 50                  101.5     46.7     3.03    2985    95.1    60001    9333   1.013  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ReloadSwiss RS 70                  110.0     51.8     3.36    2982    91.9    54239   10319   1.034  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot TAC                         95.1     45.3     2.94    2982    96.3    60001    9264   1.012  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
IMR 4350                           110.0     48.4     3.13    2979    93.3    59143    9368   1.009  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R902                      100.3     42.8     2.77    2979    99.4    60001    8901   1.026  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Lovex D073.5                        91.4     43.4     2.81    2978    99.8    60001    8758   1.030  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 2460                       91.1     43.4     2.81    2978    99.8    60001    8758   1.030  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Vihtavuori N135                    106.9     42.9     2.78    2978   100.0    60001    8207   1.019  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP3 NT ~approximation       105.4     46.3     3.00    2977    95.9    60001    9122   1.003  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Vihtavuori N150                    110.0     45.9     2.97    2975    99.6    59222    8848   1.019  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N140                    100.1     43.4     2.81    2971   100.0    60001    8405   1.014  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Rottweil R901                       96.4     40.5     2.62    2970   100.0    60001    8614   1.036  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Ramshot X-Terminator                92.7     43.8     2.84    2969    98.5    60001    8923   1.015  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 2230                       90.8     43.5     2.82    2968    99.1    60001    8779   1.022  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Rottweil R907                      106.6     46.3     3.00    2967    93.5    60001    9284   1.017  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP7                         106.6     46.3     3.00    2967    93.5    60001    9284   1.017  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Lovex D073.4                        89.8     42.6     2.76    2967    99.8    60001    8622   1.026  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
IMR 4007 SSC                       103.3     46.3     3.00    2966    93.5    60001    9277   1.017  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Alliant Reloder-12                  93.4     42.1     2.73    2961   100.0    60001    8272   1.013  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP2 NT ~approximation        96.8     42.5     2.75    2960    98.9    60001    8721   1.010  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ADI AR 2210                         89.0     40.6     2.63    2959    99.7    60001    8567   1.014  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ADI BM2                             87.1     41.0     2.66    2950    99.7    60001    8494   1.014  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Alliant Reloder-10x                 91.0     38.0     2.46    2950   100.0    60001    7974   1.024  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon Benchmark                   94.7     41.2     2.67    2950    99.7    60001    8510   1.014  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Lovex S060                          97.4     41.9     2.72    2949    98.6    60001    8670   1.012  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 2200                       86.4     38.8     2.51    2948   100.0    60001    8320   1.011  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
SF033 fl, russ. 5,45x39             87.7     39.6     2.57    2948   100.0    60001    7766   1.031  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ADI AR 2206                         96.7     42.3     2.74    2939    98.9    60001    8550   1.012  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 2015                       93.6     39.6     2.57    2937   100.0    60001    7901   1.030  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon Hybrid 100V                110.0     47.1     3.05    2933    97.8    52727    9171   1.053  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S335                        97.7     42.3     2.74    2926   100.0    60001    8059   1.027  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Norma 200                           87.2     37.7     2.44    2924   100.0    60001    7762   1.040  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Bofors RP4 ~approximation          110.0     48.6     3.15    2924    89.8    54412    9467   1.041  ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA4                        110.0     48.6     3.15    2924    89.8    54412    9467   1.041  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4350                      110.0     47.6     3.08    2921    92.2    55579    9190   1.037  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N133                     99.6     40.3     2.61    2913   100.0    60001    7651   1.017  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate 2700                      103.0     47.5     3.08    2908    93.1    60001    8690   1.023  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Alliant Reloder-26                 110.0     52.3     3.39    2901    92.2    46119   10628   1.102
Vihtavuori N130                     93.9     38.8     2.51    2898   100.0    60001    7544   1.024  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Alliant Reloder-7                   85.6     36.6     2.37    2895   100.0    60001    7492   1.027  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ADI AR 2209                        110.0     48.4     3.13    2892    88.7    52225    9468   1.056  ! Near Maximum !
Kazan Sunar 308W                    89.5     38.7     2.51    2892   100.0    60001    7524   1.025  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
ADI AR 2207                         85.9     35.5     2.30    2890   100.0    60001    7340   1.027  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Alliant Reloder-19                 110.0     48.6     3.15    2874    88.7    50319    9498   1.075
Winchester Supreme 780             110.0     51.3     3.32    2870    89.1    53492    9115   1.051  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R904                      110.0     48.0     3.11    2870    88.0    53550    9039   1.053  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4831                           110.0     46.6     3.02    2869    95.1    48605    9333   1.100
Somchem S361                       110.0     51.8     3.36    2867    87.4    55877    8880   1.045  ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP                          110.0     50.8     3.29    2858    88.6    46108   10108   1.106
Bofors RP14 ~approximation         110.0     48.6     3.15    2844    88.2    49210    9336   1.086
Somchem S385                       110.0     49.2     3.19    2829    90.0    48384    9211   1.103
IMR 7828 SSC                       110.0     50.0     3.24    2814    83.7    47973    9446   1.093
Hodgdon H4831 SC                   110.0     49.2     3.19    2794    84.4    49332    8908   1.088
ADI AR 2213                        110.0     49.2     3.19    2785    83.3    47174    9237   1.102
Vihtavuori N560                    110.0     49.7     3.22    2782    82.3    44532    9560   1.126
Bofors RP5/NP ~approximation       110.0     49.2     3.19    2773    85.6    43723    9483   1.135
Raufoss RA15                       110.0     49.2     3.19    2773    85.6    43723    9483   1.135
Alliant Reloder-22                 110.0     49.2     3.19    2773    85.6    43723    9483   1.135
Accurate MAGPRO                    110.0     51.7     3.35    2735    79.2    43288    9324   1.143
Ramshot Magnum                     110.0     53.0     3.43    2716    84.7    44721    9027   1.130
Alliant Reloder-23                 110.0     47.6     3.08    2709    92.3    39384    9278   1.181
Accurate 3100                      110.0     48.6     3.15    2700    89.6    41329    8835   1.175
Rottweil R905                      110.0     48.3     3.13    2697    81.8    42513    8830   1.152
Winchester WXR                     110.0     48.1     3.12    2685    83.4    40095    9107   1.177
Bofors RP15                        110.0     48.1     3.12    2685    83.4    40095    9107   1.177
Hodgdon H4831                      110.0     47.3     3.06    2666    81.6    43072    8416   1.151
Vihtavuori N160                    110.0     46.6     3.02    2647    83.6    43152    8120   1.157
Vihtavuori N165                    110.0     48.1     3.12    2644    85.6    41409    8316   1.171
Bofors RP5 NT ~approximation       110.0     49.6     3.21    2643    77.9    42689    8403   1.157
SNPE Vectan SP 12                  110.0     51.9     3.36    2629    78.9    40753    8857   1.173
IMR 7828                           110.0     47.3     3.06    2627    79.2    39654    8650   1.183
PB Clermont PCL 517                110.0     51.9     3.36    2622    78.5    40551    8825   1.175
Alliant Reloder-25                 110.0     48.4     3.13    2603    85.0    36620    9010   1.220
ADI AP 2214                        110.0     50.5     3.27    2600    78.1    41288    8374   1.171
Lovex S071                         110.0     46.0     2.98    2521    85.7    34051    8194   1.270
Bofors RP30                        110.0     48.6     3.15    2477    75.5    32591    8374   1.280
Norma MRP 2                        110.0     48.6     3.15    2477    75.5    32591    8374   1.280
ADI AR 2217                        110.0     48.1     3.12    2435    73.4    34651    7591   1.259
Hodgdon H1000                      110.0     48.1     3.12    2435    73.4    34651    7591   1.259
ADI AR 2225                        110.0     48.9     3.17    2347    72.0    29875    7638   1.335
Hodgdon Retumbo                    110.0     48.9     3.17    2347    72.0    29875    7638   1.335
Lovex D100                         110.0     52.3     3.39    2335    63.0    34269    6722   1.283
Vihtavuori N170                    110.0     48.1     3.12    2307    66.7    30172    6952   1.341
That is a sweet rifle, to be sure. I really like it. I would definitely have one if it hadn't been for the fact that every time I was ready to pull the trigger on it, another shiny object grabbed my attention and begged to be taken home.
Rifle should arrive in about a week, then starts the dreaded "waiting period". Looks like IMR 3031 is the best match out of the powders I'm already using. I'm reading that 8208xbr is a temp stable alternative(To Varget)? Varget is somewhat available at the moment so this is probably not an issue. How is RL17? I know it produces excellent velocity in most cases, but that it's sensative to temp swings.
I've never had a problem with 17 when old work was done in similar temps I've hunted in. Never noticed or observed anything funky.
RL 17 is the cats meow in a 7mm-08 . I use it in one of mine and I have not had any problems with the temp changes .
Got some powder on the way to try out. Varget, RL16 and I already have IMR 3031. I also ordered 100 pieces of prvi brass. Thought about Lapua, but not for now. 120 ttsx and Rem 9 1/2M or CCI BR2s. Dang, I need some dies now!
So, is RL16 generally available in the States now? Maybe we'll see it in Canada before spring.
I can order it by the 8lb keg right now if I wanted. I only got 1lb to try.
Seems like when I make a plan for what bullet/powder combo a rifle will shoot, the rifle tells me something totally different. I have 2 7-08's, one shoots heavy bullets great and one likes the 120 gr NBT's.
RL15 and Ramshot Big Game have been my go-to's over the last 8 years.
43-44 grains RL-15 or 48-50 grains Big Game gets 3,000 fps or more

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RL15 and Ramshot Big Game have been my go-to's over the last 8 years.
43-44 grains RL-15 or 48-50 grains Big Game gets 3,000 fps or more

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RL15 and Ramshot Big Game have been my go-to's with a 120 over the last 8 years.
43-44 grains RL-15 or 48-50 grains Big Game gets 3,000 fps or more

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Got some ammo loaded up. Win cases, Rem 9 1/2m primers. Did 10 rounds 120gr Ballistic Tips with 46gr RL16 to break in the barrel. Then 3 rounds each 120gr TTSX with RL16. 46gr up to 49gr in .5gr increments. Also have some 120gr TTSX loaded with Varget. 43.5gr up to 46gr in .5gr increments. I might be a little warm on the Varget loads? All loads have a light crimp with a Lee factory crimp die. Hoping to get out shooting in the next couple days, but there is snow in the forecast tomorrow...


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