

Nov 18, 2013
As promised, I chrono'd a couple loads with RL26.
Ran them through QuickLoad at the default Ba (burn rate) .3397
The 280 AI, 23.5" barrel, load of 60 gr in Nosler brass, Fed 210, showed on QL at 2813 fps. What I averaged between 3 was 2970 fps. To reach that needs a Ba of .360.
The 25-06, 24" barrel, Hornady brass, Fed 210, 58 gr, QL showed a projected of 3267. Avg of 3 was 3426 fps. To reach needs a Ba of .376
So....have two different loads across the same chrono 5 min apart and significantly higher speeds than anticipated.
Need to check quite a bit more but one conclusion I willsay is the default on RL 26 in QL is too low. Be interesting to see if there's an adjustment in future versions.
For the inquisitive, COAL setting and all else in QL were set correctly. :grin:
Wouldn't expect to see any changes to the defaults.... No matter what they set them at they'll be wrong in most rounds.... The same powder behaves differently in different circumstances.... its just not possible to have a one size fits all number in there.

I have found exactly 1 round in QuickLoad that a few of the powder defaults are really close.... That is the 30-06 with either H or IMR 4350 and I don't believe that to be an accident... I believe that is genius marketing.