5.11 Rush 72 backpack


Oct 28, 2008
I thought I'd do this little write up in case anybody needs a good travel backpack...this one is.

As most of you know I'm a truck driver, but over the last 3 years I've gravitated from hauling freight into doing truck recovery for them. That is to say I go get trucks that have been broke down, abandoned, drivers fired, etc. I also deliver new trucks to drivers and take their old trucks back to the sale lot.

I'm always on the road either in a truck or a rental car...occasionally I fly, if its a time sensitive matter. I sort of fell into this position by accident, pure luck, but I'm glad I did.

I don't sleep in the used trucks at all, and only occasionally sleep in the new ones...I'm in a motel pretty much every night, which is what led to me finding a good backpack...one gets tired of climbing 3 flights of stairs carrying a large duffle bag, a backpack, and a computer bag...its hard to even open a door with all that...I wanted it all in one bag that I could carry on my back. I tried very hard to find a combo that would fit in a carry on size bag....no joy...not gonna happen.

I carry 3 full changes of clothes besides the ones I have on, 3 long sleeve shirts, a hi-vis safety vest, a handheld CB, shower/shaving supplies, basic meds (headache relief), a denim coat, work gloves, log books, a flashlight, a 13" laptop, and a few other odds and ends...all that fits into the Rush 72 nicely, and the pack carries pretty easily even loaded with nearly 30 pounds.

Its a tough bag, made of 1050D Ballistic Nylon, I've only had it a month or so...but I can see that it is tough and very well made. I do have a light duffle to put it in to protect is from the baggage handling equipment at airports...those folks and machines could tear up an anvil in a sandbox from what I've seen.

If I remove one full set of clothes, wear the jacket, and carry the laptop...the Rush 72 will pass as a carry on bag, it has 2 sets of compression straps.

YouTube is full of reviews on this pack, so I'm not going to the trouble of pictures here ...just saying, I've been dragging this thing all over the country for a few weeks now, not babying it...and its taking it all in stride.

Its a pretty big pack, designed as a 3 day tactical pack...it weighs about 5 pounds empty...lots of people talk about an everyday carry backpack, for me thats what this is and I like it...it comes in many colors, mine is black...would rather have had the sandstone color, but I needed that pack so i got what the local Cabelas had in stock.

Not cheap, but worth it...it figures it would go on sale after I bought one, mine was $169...now they are $135.

Appears to be a well-designed pack. I can see the utility of this for a variety of uses.
I carry the same pack with my attic gear, usually hang it on the back of the passenger seat

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A new back pack is third on my needs list and I have wrote this one down to investigate. My first and second on the list are optics hope to get that looked after this year.
Thank you for the information on this post.

First time flying with this backpack today...from Little Rock to Detroit to Manchester, NH...it passed muster as a carry on with Delta without even 2nd glance from anybody. It fit just fine in the overhead of the CRJ 900.

First time flying ever for me actually, not crazy about it...I'm just not wired to put that much trust into someone I don't know, or even someone I do know most of the time....and lots of people crammed into a small space is never something I'm gonna enjoy.
I went through a period of my life where I was flying 15-20 segments a quarter. That got tiresome quickly.

That backpack looks like a good option for that kind of travel.
I went through a period of my life where I was flying 15-20 segments a quarter. That got tiresome quickly.

That backpack looks like a good option for that kind of travel.