Done a little fishing.


Mar 6, 2017
Unfortunately this is the first I got out this yr but didn't do bad for in the heat of the day. Fished until I ran out of worms as they were not hitting on anything else I tried. Brim, bream, shellcracker, bluegill, called different things in different parts of the country. I just call them good. (y)

They are surely tasty. Don't see them this far north, but I did catch my share while living in KS and TX. They saved many a day on the water, and were always a way to keep children interested in fishing.
Dr Mike, I'm not a big fisherman, but the vast majority of any fishing I do anymore is when I'm after some kind of pan fish, be it bluegill, crappie bass, or rock bass. Along with being fun on light tackle, I'm after putting some in the freezer every yr and they are at the top of my favorite fresh water fish for eating.

Walleye would be at the top also but I never learned to be a good walleye fisherman as the best walleye fishing around here is later in the fall and I'm always hunting something by that time of the yr.
We call them bluegill here in WV and they are fun to catch as well to eat. Small ones are also good catfish bait. Dan.
Indeed, I always enjoyed eating crappie and bluegill. They are among the most tasty piscatorial offering available.
I have never fished fresh water since I fished the bayous of Louisiana many moons ago but I am fishing saltwater for the last 35 years and have caught my fill.

Shade, your catch sure looks good and congrats on your catch.

How do you cook your fish?
We do not have Crappie or Bluegill here in Saskatchewan and our perch are alot easier to catch when fishing on the hard water :wink:.
Now Walleye are the most sought have fish in the southern portion of our Province and we are fortunate enough to have a very healthy population of them. As has been stated earlier there is nothing much tastier than a 18" Walleye (y) in cast-iron frying pan with a little bit of butter :mrgreen:.

Tackdriver, pan fish like this I typically dust them with a seasoning called Andy's fish rub and drop them in oil.....or a mixture of cornmeal, flour, salt & pepper. Small amounts are done in a cast iron skillet, larger amounts in a deep fryer. I like fish and there are some outstanding tasting saltwater fish, especially grilled IMO, so it sounds like you got things well covered. (y)

Dan, I'm jealous. Perch are among the finest eating freshwater fish around, and God saw fit to bestow perhaps even better in the same family when He made the walleye. To be blessed with abundance of both is a treasure.