How about a fishing section?

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Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
I'm sure there are others who wouldn't mind a separate fishing section, how about it guys?
I do less fishing than I have in the past; but I would support such a section. We have "Off Topic" and "Locations and Travel"; a Fishing section would fit in nicely I should think. You must have been cleaning up on the salmon runs, Gerry.
We have been doing pretty good this year, it is nice to see Maria figuring it out and catching some fish.

There must be a lot of people here that fish, lots of hunters seem to also go fishing.
Elkman":b2wq1xvf said:
Whats "fishing"

It's kinda like golf with thread and safety pins. When done well, it is a great way to spend vast amounts of money drowning worms or losing delicately decorated hooks to unseen hazards. Does that help, Bill?
Elkman":12v6nw9o said:
Whats "fishing"
Fishing is what one does between hunting seasons to while away the time when they aren't scouting, working up loads, or practicing their rifle shooting. In other words, a way to kill time by drowning worms. [emoji4]
I forgot to say, I'd support a fishing section.
Many hunters are inflicted with Fishitis and this would be a good way to quarantine them until the symptoms abate.
gerry":37uf9qk0 said:
I'm sure there are others who wouldn't mind a separate fishing section, how about it guys?

Good idea Gerry.
I'll get it going.

Fishing is what one does between hunting seasons to while away the time when they aren't scouting, working up loads, or practicing their rifle shooting. In other words, a way to kill time by drowning worms.

Vince, that's what I call firefighting, only there are no worms, and I get paid for it!!!!
Elkman":vua8yben said:
Fishing is what one does between hunting seasons to while away the time when they aren't scouting, working up loads, or practicing their rifle shooting. In other words, a way to kill time by drowning worms.

Vince, that's what I call firefighting, only there are no worms, and I get paid for it!!!!
Not all of us are that fortunate and pyromania doesn't pay well. [emoji2]
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