Area 419 zero press?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Have you guys heard anything on this? Is it really worth $1,275 for this press? Can anyone see the difference between regular presses and this one?
Have you guys heard anything on this? Is it really worth $1,275 for this press? Can anyone see the difference between regular presses and this one?
Man, that's a 1275 dollar question.

It is supposed to be stout and smooth as all get out, but again, between my Forster and T7 I don't know how much better it could get.
I have the t-7 and the ultra mag Reddings. I don't know how much more improvement it would be if any
I had to take a look to see if it was gold plated! I can't understand why if anyone has a name brand press already why they would need this.
it's nice , I've looked at it before . it looks like it would work well for what it was designed for , removing Benjamins from the wallet .
Looks pretty impressive but I can't see how it would be better than my co-ax press.

Yeah I can’t see how it would be better myself. I’m sure it’s tighter and maybe more exact but the Forster really accounts for that in its floating die mostly.
Exactly Scotty

If I was in the market for a new press to replace my Forster and/or my T-7, this might get a "look/see." However, that's not likely at that price. I have no doubt it is good, but to get me to spring for that price, it has to bring a "Wow" factor to the bench. And I just don't see that.
It looks nice and very well made.

The value proposition is a tough one, since most basic presses work fine and will outlast any of us with anything approaching regular use.
Ya, I think 419 is catering to folks who have to have what they consider the Very Best.

I'm good with my Lyman & RCBS presses. :)

this is what I'm thinking too . when only the best is good enough .
this press would be a nice addition to a reloading room that has an amp annealer ,and a Prometheus powder measure
The maker did accomplish something--we looked and discussed the product. That will likely stimulate someone to drop the coin to pick one up. No doubt there is a good markup on the press.
I bought their powder funnel which is nice and had a few of the sizes I need for my rifles. I'm fine with my Hornady I like the quick lock n load switch out. Instead of spending money on the press better to spend it on higher quality dies I like the RCBS Match Master dies with the window you just drop in the bullet and press up aligning is done by the die
this is what I'm thinking too . when only the best is good enough .
this press would be a nice addition to a reloading room that has an amp annealer ,and a Prometheus powder measure

Ya the 419 is at the Ultimate Reloader shop and Travis is using it quite a bit to load his match ammo. I'm impressed, but... I'm happy as a clam with more mainstream presses.
