Embarrassing but hilarious.


Apr 30, 2016
Sigh, I have a partial upper and the top part that rests against the roof of my mouth got bent. I have an appointment next week to fix or replace. But today I sneezed, and the bent part made a beautiful hen turkey cluck. :sneaky: Boy, the looks I got from everyone in the shop. Quite obvious they've never heard a sneeze like that...maybe I'll take a little black pepper with me in the turkey woods. Only me 🥴
That is funny!
I can sympathize with you in regards to the partial upper plate.
I have a few of those stories too…..😬

My Father In-law is 85 and we’re very close, was hunting this season behind his house.
We have a large bean/corn field in which we take a few deer from each year.
He drives his four wheeler out to his stand, which is a tripod type chair stand and climbs up the ten or so rungs to his seat.
Well, he finished his hunt the other night (he was out alone so unfortunately no pictures) and he was descending from his stand.
About half way, carrying his seat pad, and his rifle, his pants fall down around his ankles!
There he was in all his glory with both hands full trying to figure out how to pull his britches up while not losing his grip on the ladder!🤣
He said the first thing he did was to look to see if anyone was watching….
We all wish we had been around to see it but unfortunately he was spared!
He may be getting suspenders for Christmas 🎄