.338 Cartridges: What have played with? Which do you prefer?


Nov 25, 2013
In the new thread regarding the question about the 338 Engels, while trying to find out more about the cartridge, I came across the Shooting Times article by Payton Miller, "11 Great .338 Caliber Rifle Cartridges".

It got me to thinking about the various .338 rifles I have owned, or played with, over the years.
Of the 11, I have owned or played with *7 to date:
  1. *338 Marlin Express: owned a Marlin MXR
  2. *338 Federal: Own 2; one on a LH Sako 85 Finnlight II, and the other on a Winchester Model 88 - love the cartridge and having fun with these rifles!
  3. 33 Winchester: have not owned or played with one as yet, but hope to!
  4. *338-06 A Square: Own a custom LH Rem 700 really like this cartridge! (Sold my first 338 Win Mag when my shoulders were bad, and built this rifle for the 338 performance that would be easier in the shoulder)
  5. 338 RCM: Have yet to find a LH Ruger Hawkeye...
  6. *338 Win Mag: Have owned 2 over the years; a LH Rem 700 BDL and a LH Sako AV - love the cartridge and enjoyed these rifles! (My 338-06 with its' preferred handload with the 215 gr SGK actually outperforms the factory 210 gr NP ammo past 300 yards! with less felt recoil!)
  7. *338 Lapua: Played with a friend's custom lightweight Winchester Model 70 - shot very well and felt recoil was quite manageable from field positions
  8. *340 Wby: Played with a Stainless/synthetic Rem 700 chambered for this round from the bench - shot very well, factory LimbSaver recoil pad made felt recoil quite manageable
  9. *338 RUM: Played with a Stainless/synthetic Rem 700 - shot very well, factory LimbSaver recoil pad made felt recoil quite manageable
  10. 33 Nosler: Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  11. 338-378 Wby: This is one that I have no desire to try...too much of a "good" thing for me...
Apparently there are a number of other .338 cartridges, that I have not had the opportunity to try, or have only just learned of them:
  1. 338 Whisper: Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  2. 338 ARC: new cartridge recently released - article in the latest Gun Digest
  3. 338 Engels: just learned of today
  4. 338 Jarret: Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  5. 338 Edge: Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  6. 338 Sherman Short: Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  7. 338 Enabler: Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  8. 338 Spectre: Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  9. 338 Norma: Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  10. 8.59 Titan (long): Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
  11. 8.59 Galaxy (short): Have not had an opportunity to play with one as yet
I know there are more that I am missing (JDJ?, etc.)...

After looking at this list, there are quite a few .338 rifle cartridges out there...but to be quite honest, I am happy with my Federals and 338-06.
And with an average shot distance of just 132 yards, the Federals will provide all I need for the rest of my hunting career (the bolt action for most hunting as it is synthetic/carbon fibre for lightweight and resilience, and lever action for the thick, dark timber for bear and moose). It is nice to have the extra bit of velocity and energy in the 338-06 for any potentially longer shot opportunities on moose and elk, and for bison. And I would love to use it on an eland.
That is not to say that should I finally find a LH Ruger Hawkeye in 338 RCM, that it won't be coming home with me!
I really liked the Marlin in 338 ME in the MX (wood/blued), and am still on the lookout for the MXLR (stainless/laminate)

So which have you owned/played with?
And which rifle cartridge do you prefer?
I have only shot a couple of 338 Win Mags over the years. Probably won't get one but if I did it would be a Weatherby Accumark in 338 Wby RPM. I saw a left hand Accumark in 340 Wby few years ago and wish I would have gotten it. Such a powerhouse that compares well with a lot of newer rounds.
338 federal (pistol and rifle)
338 RCM
338 win
340 weatherby
338 RUM
338 lapua

Of them all the 338 RCM was probably the most well balanced. I currently have a 340 bee and lapua in rifles and the 338 federal in a 15” encore.

There 338 ARC really has my interest in a short bolt gun for suppressed use. When time and money allows I will be building one.
338 winchester and 338 Jarrett. The Jarrett is extreamly accurate, I’ve reached 3000 fps with 250s but have it backed down to its most accurate load at a touch over2925. Had the RUM been out I would have simply bought one of those but my Jarrett predates the RUM.
I have only messed with one , the 338 Lapua . mine is a long range rifle, with a 30" bbl . weighs in the 17 - 18 pound range . I shoot 300 grain Bergers in the mid 2900 FPS . when we were shooting regularly , it was shot at 2000 yards each range session . I have shot it out close to 2500 yards , one time . I've shot 2375 yards a few times . sometimes being able to make consecutive hits . I don't think I've ever had a first round hit past 2000 yards . 2000 yards and in , I've had first round hits and consecutive hits often . I've thought about putting something bigger together , but for what I'm doing the 338 Lapua is very capable .
I’ve been around .338 Win Mags all my life, have shot lots of them, but have yet to have taken game with one.

Shot a .338 RUM right after they came out. Impressive.

Have loaded .340 Weatherby Mag for a friend who doesn’t like paying over $100 a box for factory stuff.

The only game animal I have taken with a .338 is a cow elk with a borrowed .338 Lapua Magnum in 2019. A 350 yard shot with the 270 grain ELDX certainly did the trick.

The .338 Federal has always intrigued me. A Savage 99 or Remington 760 thusly chambered would be a handy woods rifle for deer/hogs/black bear/elk.

The .338-06 although completely capable, has never interested me in the same way as the .35 Whelen. A Winchester 1895 in .35 Whelen will be in my collection someday.

If I was to buy a .338, I would almost certainly go with a .338 Win Mag.
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I have a couple of Winchester M70s in .338 Win. Mag. One is a post 64, pre68 push feed with 24" barrel that was a kind of a weird deal when I got it and the other a New Haven Classic Stainless controlled feed rifle with 26" barre and a muzzle brake making the barrel 28.5". Both rifles came with after market Limbsaver pads that have turned into some kind of gooey mess. I'll probably replace them with Pachmeyr Decelerators.

I'm not all that fond of either rifle as they flat out kick the snot out of me. Not all that bad hooting offhand or from the sitting position but off the bench? Forget about it! As I've aid before, considering my age, jetting jolted around by heavy recoil is no longer an option due to the chance of a detached retina. I've even given the thought to hanging up my beloved .35 Whelen. Can't do much shooting if I'm blind.
Paul B.
I have a couple of Winchester M70s in .338 Win. Mag. One is a post 64, pre68 push feed with 24" barrel that was a kind of a weird deal when I got it and the other a New Haven Classic Stainless controlled feed rifle with 26" barre and a muzzle brake making the barrel 28.5". Both rifles came with after market Limbsaver pads that have turned into some kind of gooey mess. I'll probably replace them with Pachmeyr Decelerators.

I'm not all that fond of either rifle as they flat out kick the snot out of me. Not all that bad hooting offhand or from the sitting position but off the bench? Forget about it! As I've aid before, considering my age, jetting jolted around by heavy recoil is no longer an option due to the chance of a detached retina. I've even given the thought to hanging up my beloved .35 Whelen. Can't do much shooting if I'm blind.
Paul B.
If you ever think of selling the Classic Stainless, drop me a line. 😃
I have only shot a couple of 338 Win Mags over the years. Probably won't get one but if I did it would be a Weatherby Accumark in 338 Wby RPM. I saw a left hand Accumark in 340 Wby few years ago and wish I would have gotten it. Such a powerhouse that compares well with a lot of newer rounds.
I forgot about the 338 RPM...a cartridge very similar to the 338-06 performance wise, IIRC
I've had and shot a 338wm and 338-378. I currently have a 338 Lapua, a 338 Edge, and 2 338 Baer's (similar to a 338 Jarrett and also before the RUM cases. Design by Bruce Baer, a 1000yd gunsmith from PA).
338 Baer...and another I haven't heard of...actually not that surprising that there are so many 338 wildcats!
Part of what makes shooting so much fun! Plenty of choices to choose from and keep things interesting!